Hybrid of orange and mandarin

We all love citrus fruits, but we know only a small part of them: mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, lemon. In fact, there are many more. Some were obtained by crossing different fruits. For example, do you know what Mandarin is called, crossed with orange? No, not Mineola, because Mineola is a hybrid of mandarin with grapefruit.

But the hybrid of orange and mandarin is clementine. He is one of the representatives of the tanzhelo. He received his name from Father Clement, who in 1902 made a successful selection - the mandarin did not lose its habitual form, but became noticeably sweeter.

Types of Clementines

Now that you know what the Mandarin and Orange hybrid is called, it's time to find out that he has several other varieties:

  1. Spanish - in turn, it happens with small and large fruits, in each of them there are several bones.
  2. Montreal - a fairly rare species, grow it in Spain and Algeria. The fruits of the Montreal clementines contain up to 12 seeds.
  3. Corsican - has an orange-red color of the peel, in the fruits there are no bones.

Features of clementines

Most often these hybrids are sold with leaves. They appear in early November and end in February. The fruits have a wonderful aroma and sweet taste. In addition to a pleasant treat, the fruit is a natural antidepressant.

You can distinguish clementine from mandarin by a brighter peel and a lot of seeds, and it also has a slightly flattened shape. The peel of clementine is firm and thin. They are kept very well. They just need to be put in a special refrigerator drawer, where they can lie for a month.

Useful properties of clementines

In the composition of clementines, simply a huge amount of vitamins (especially the B line) and minerals. It consists of water, fiber, fats and proteins. It also contains copper, ascorbic acid, titanium and so on. And although the fruit is very sweet, it has little sugar, so it is not high in calories.

Due to the rich content of valuable substances, it has a mass of useful and even medicinal properties. So, it is recommended to use it for people with GI problems. Clementines eliminate digestive problems, not to mention general improvement in well-being. Like all citrus fruits, it is useful as a prophylaxis and treatment for colds, since it strengthens the immune system.

Juice clementine improves metabolic processes and arouses appetite . Vitamins contained in the fruit, improve the structure of the hair and skin condition. They do not allow gray hair to appear ahead of time.

Essential oil in this citrus is an excellent antidepressant. Clementines have a positive effect on the nervous system, help with insomnia . In addition, it is often used to combat skin problems: cellulite, acne, warts, seborrhea, stretch marks. It makes the skin softer and more tender.