The most insidious sign of the zodiac

Of course, each of the signs of the zodiac has its own "bitterness", which makes one and the same person for some - an example of perfection, and for others - the most intolerable, disgusting and vile creature in the world. You can, of course, say that everyone looks at the world from his bell tower, but do not forget that at some moments, anyone can become the most insidious sign of the zodiac.

Let's look at the leaders of this category.


By one name you can determine which is the most insidious sign of the zodiac, and, of course, if you do not go into astrology, it seems obvious that neither Scorpio nor his human counterpart can be pleasant. Indeed, the Scorpions either adore or hate. There is no third.


Capricorn is a detached person, busy with his personal affairs, to no one but himself who does not have much interest. However, you can bring anyone. Capricorn becomes a very insidious zodiac sign when it comes to vendetta - revenge, in such cases, there is no more vengeful and insidious, no argument.


It would seem, guided by the principle of dislike of the Scorpions, the Virgo should appear to be very gentle, sensitive touchy. Virgo is a symbol of femininity, but where everything disappears when it comes to personal interest. Virgo - the most insidious sign of the zodiac, if you stood on its way to achieve the intent. Personal advantage is more important for the Virgin than the most sacred human bonds.


Recently, the British made a discovery and said that after all, it is impossible to find a man worse than Aquarius. It turns out that Aquarians are the most that are real sadomasochists. All their lives they dedicate themselves to self-flagellation and poisoning the world for themselves, in secret, spoil it and those around them. Moreover, it is very rare for Aquarius themselves to be convicted of this. And the life of those who are forced to be surrounded by Aquarius under great threat.