How to trim a ficus?

Coming from the rainforests, the ficus quickly established itself on our windowsills. Moreover, he even got a number of signs, according to which the presence of a fig tree in the house brings prosperity and protection to the owners from envy and anger. It is difficult to judge how much this is, but the fact that the plant is beautiful is not subject to doubt. Turn ficus into a real home decoration can be with the help of shaping trimming.

Is it possible to trim the ficus?

Practically all kinds of ficuses tolerate pruning quite calmly, and it is not difficult for a florist to give their crown the desired shape. At the same time, it is necessary only to observe certain precautions: to trim with a clean tool and immediately after cutting to process the sections with a disinfectant solution. When pruning ficuses that produce milky juice, hands should be protected with gloves.

How to properly cut the ficus at home?

Consider the rules of trimming ficus at home:

  1. To be engaged in a "hairstyle" of a fig is best in the spring, during a period of active growth. Cropped at this time, the plant actively starts up, with a stock of nutrients sufficient for the simultaneous development of many shoots. Trimming the fig tree in the autumn-winter period is hi to the fact that the plant will grow one-sided, and will not have a beautiful appearance.
  2. Since different types of ficus have a different form by nature, then they must also be cut in different ways. For example, the ficuses of Benjamin, Ali and Karp have a pronounced tendency to branch. Cut them should be like this: the main trunk is cut to a height of about 20 cm, leaving it no more than 5-6 leaves. The remaining branches are cut in accordance with the desired shape. The rubbery ficus will aspire upwards, until it rests against a natural barrier. Therefore, the main operation in its formation is pruning.

How to properly cut the tip of the fig tree?

If the ficus has reached the desired height, then it is necessary to prishchip him a growth point - the top of the central shoot. If the ficus needs to be shortened, then pruning should be done 5-7 cm above the branch. In this case, it should be remembered that the ficus with a cropped tip in height will no longer grow. The incision on the trunk is made along the scythe so that its lower edge passes directly over the kidney, and the upper one is slightly higher than it.