What is useful in Persimmon?

Persimmon is a bright, colorful fruit that begins to please the eye literally immediately after its appearance on the shelves. According to some versions, she came to us from Mexico. Of course, scientists and nutritionists could not help but wonder what was useful in persimmon, it turned out that this fruit, somewhat exotic for our regions, is literally rich in useful substances. For example, it contains antioxidants, known for their ability to remove free radicals from the human body. And this means that this plant is very effective in delaying the aging process!

Why is persimmon useful?

Of course, this is not all! Vitamin A and beta-carotene contribute to the improvement of vision, and are extremely effective in the fight against cancer. Also, if you seriously wondered what a persimmon is rich in, do not forget about the lemon and malic acid that our body needs for normal functioning. In this fruit, you can find also potassium, iron, copper, manganese.

In it, ashes and tannins can be found. Thanks to enzymes and some compounds, this fruit is able to help the body to cope with stress much faster, in case of its presence in the menu, than if we did not eat persimmon. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of variety it is. After all, about five hundred varieties have been found in the world by researchers! And if you are interested in a really high-quality persimmon, the composition and The properties are most pronounced in chocolate (it is also known as a kingpaw).

Also quite good in this respect is the Japanese, however, it is problematic to meet it on our shelves. A lot of useful substances can be found in the Caucasian persimmon, here it is sold no less than the king. However, it has a very specific, slightly astringent taste. The korolevka is softer in comparison with it.

The number of useful properties also largely depends on the storage conditions, on how much the ripe fruit was ripped off. The latter can be identified by the number of brown strips and points on the persimmon itself. The more of them, the richer this amazing fruit was, the better and more mature.