Dried sea kale - good and bad

Almost all people who care about their health know about the beneficial properties of sea kale in fresh or marinated form. But much less is said about the benefits and harms of dried sea kale. The thing is that dried seaweed should be prepared a little before consumption. Therefore, many prefer a canned cabbage, which is a product fully ready for use. However, with regard to useful properties, in dried cabbage, they are much more.

Unlike canned sea ​​kale , seasoned with various spices, dried kelp kelp does not have such a pleasant taste. However, the canned product may contain an increased amount of calories, while the nutritional value of dried sea kale after cooking is only about 5-6 kcal per 100 g of product.

Dried kelp contains about a gram of proteins and 0.2 g of fat.

What is useful for algae?

Laminaria is appreciated thanks to such useful properties:

  1. It is rich in minerals. Of particular value is the presence of iodine. In addition, the chemical composition of dried sea kale includes: potassium, iron , bromine, magnesium, pantothenic and folic acid.
  2. Polysaccharides and fructose, which are part of kelp, give the body energy and strength.
  3. Laminaria contains various amino acids, without which the normal life activity of the organism is impossible.
  4. Betasitosterin - a substance-antagonist of cholesterol - promotes the removal of harmful deposits from the walls of the vessels. Therefore, kelp is included in the list of products that help fight against atherosclerosis.
  5. Alginic acid helps to remove radionuclides and harmful metals from the body, which reduces the risk of cancer.
  6. Easily digested fiber improves the digestive system.
  7. The use of seaweed helps to make the blood more fluid, which is the prevention of thrombosis.

The damage to sea kale

Dried kelp is a very useful product. However, it can also have a harmful effect if it is used in such diseases:

In addition to these contraindications, kelp can be dangerous and if it was collected in an ecologically dirty area. In this case, it absorbs poisonous substances, which can adversely affect human health.