Lion - a stone by the sign of the zodiac

People born in the period from July 23 to August 22, bear the proud title of the reigning sign of the zodiac Leo. Element of the Lion is fire, a planet that protects the sign - the Sun. It is these circumstances that make people born under the sign of Leo an obvious leader, master of the situation, authoritative and very self-confident. Lions always try to be in the center of attention, they can not stand monotonous and monotonous life and work. Many famous people of art, including designers with world names, were born just under this sign, hence the Lviv passion for expensive designer things and decorations. What a Lion likes and what kind of a stone on the zodiac sign can become an effective talisman is an interesting question.

Stone-mascot of the sign of the zodiac Leo

  1. Diamond. The main stone that can protect and enhance the positive qualities of the Lion is a diamond, because he, like Leo, is the leader in his element. Diamond is a very valuable stone with super strength, it can take away the evil eye, increase efficiency, attract love and joy, and a successful business will help the representatives of the sign with a firm life position.
  2. The pomegranate is a very beautiful and valuable stone, it will help the Lions to gain such a desired position of the leader, will enable them to recognize the bad intentions of others, exacerbate intuition, add optimism , love, cheerfulness. The stone is well suited for creative natures, it is able to develop and disclose talents.
  3. Amber - a pebble, like a sunny drop, will help to become a strong talisman for maintaining health and a good assistant in business.
  4. Emerald - improves vision, strengthens the nervous system, increases sexual desire.
  5. Malachite is a stone that can be make wishes, and he can help in their fulfillment.
  6. Moonstone is more accessible, but no less beautiful, helps in the realization of potential, develops abilities to study exact sciences, raises the mindfulness and prudence of its owner. Most suitable for representatives of the sign, born in the interval from July 23 to August 3.
  7. Onyx is a very common mineral, but its variety of colors is a delight. It will help strengthen the leadership position of the Lion, gain wisdom and remain adamant.

A talisman stone for the Lion, depending on the date of birth, can also be: tourmaline, carnelian, obsidian, chrysocolla, cat's eye, rock crystal, aventurine, jasper, opal.