The substitute of cat milk

In the case where the kittens remain without a mother, or they are many and there is not enough milk for everyone, we are forced to feed them with a substitute for cat milk. It can be used from the moment of birth and up to two months. The replacement of cat milk, like mother's milk, supports the immune system of the kitten at the proper level. This is very important at the age of babies two or three weeks. Although none of them can not replace the kitten colostrum in the first hours after birth. After all, in addition to nutrients, he receives antibodies from his mother for viruses that threaten his life.

The fat content of cat milk and the presence of protein in it is several times higher than that of women's, cow's and goat's milk. It differs in the content of lactose. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to feed kittens with other animals' milk.

The substitute of cat milk for kittens contains minerals, vitamins and trace elements, amino acid taurine and fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. All these substances are necessary for a growing organism. Their lack leads to pathology in development. Their percentage in dry matter is very accurately calculated by the manufacturer. At normal development the kitten should type in weight of 10 g a day.

The replacement of cat milk Royal Kanin is easy to prepare, as it quickly dissolves in boiled warm water, leaving no lumps. In the package there is a bottle with divisions and nipples, with holes of diameter corresponding to different periods of life of a small pet, as well as a measuring spoon. This is very important, since feeding the kitten from the syringe is extremely inconvenient. Another advantage of this substitute is that the mixture is packaged in packets weighing 100 grams. Opening the box, you do not have to worry that for some reason all of its contents can deteriorate.

The replacement of cat milk Beaphar Kitty-Milk is recommended not only for kittens but also for nursing cats, as it stimulates lactation. The composition of the mixture is somewhat different. The choice, most likely, is carried out by an individual approach.

Each cat milk substitute has an instruction enclosed in the package and a detailed description of the preparation of the mixture on the package itself. Even if one of them is in a language incomprehensible to you, try to check the number of measuring spoons taken on a certain volume of water in both inscriptions. After all, the quality of milk depends on this, and misprints, unfortunately very rarely, but are found.

How to prepare a substitute for cat milk?

The process of preparing artificial milk for kittens is similar to preparing a mixture for children - sterile dishes, clean hands and exact adherence to the recommendations of manufacturers.

To avoid problems with the intestines, do not overfeed kittens.