At what age do dogs are sterilized?

Concerning the effectiveness and appropriateness of sterilization , a lot of disputes have always occurred, but often only this surgical method helps to solve the basic problems with domestic pets. To begin with, let us clarify that this term implies the removal of testes in males and female reproductive organs in females. Let's look at the age at which a dog of a boy and a girl can be safely sterilized, and also give all the main arguments for this way of solving the problem of preventing reproductive function in domestic animals.

What are the advantages of timely sterilization of dogs?

  1. The most important reason why people agree to perform this surgical procedure with respect to their pets is the annual problem with where to put a huge offspring. If you do not seek to become a professional breeder, then sterilization will be the best way out of the delicate situation.
  2. The second reason for the owner of the dog to decide on such a step - sterilization prevents the occurrence of venereal, oncological diseases and diseases associated with the mammary glands.
  3. The animals that have undergone such an operation are less aggressive and predictable, the bitches cease to break during the estrus , bringing much less trouble to the owners.

At what age is it better to sterilize a dog?

Up to 4 months to plan the operation is undesirable, a weak, not fully developed and not yet strengthened puppy, has a big risk of getting complications with other vital organs in the future. The optimal period when it is better to sterilize the dog - from six months of age. Veterinary practice has shown that one should wait for the onset of the first menstrual cycle in order to reduce all risks of possible complications to a minimum.

Very serious is the question of the age at which sterile dogs are sterilized. If you are dealing with a thoroughbred and several times giving birth to a bitch, it is advisable not to delay the decision of this case to advanced years, when the risk of detecting cancer problems in animals is greatly increased. Experts believe that it is better to allow the female to get the last offspring by the age of six and then sterilize. Thus, you will prolong her life and reduce the possibility of oncological disease. To carry out such an operation on an adult animal is after a study in a veterinary clinic and consultations with competent specialists.