The tent-tent

Rest on the nature is sometimes so necessary for a full-fledged distraction from the city's bustle and daily problems. And if you plan to spend more than one day outside the city, you need to have some equipment with you. In addition to the standard sleeping tents, a large tent-tent is not too much for rest.

Tents are of considerable size and can be used for different purposes. For example, for a country holiday time, a tent-tent can become a warehouse, a field kitchen or a common "room". It must be said that the installation of such a tent is expedient if the stationary rest is not moving from place to place, as during a hike.

A tent-tent with a floor and a mosquito net can become a safe haven during a bad weather or a heat fever. Here you can set a table with chairs and spend meals, as well as gather the whole company for board games. In the evening, mosquitoes and other insects will not bother you, which is extremely important in places near water bodies.

Tent-tents are applicable not only for trips to nature. Tents-tents for dachas were very well recommended. Installed in suburban areas, they are an excellent alternative to more capital arbors .

How to choose a tent-tent for rest?

Pay attention to the material of the tent itself. It must be waterproof to keep out moisture and to resist the wind. Modern fabrics for tents are kapron, pilieester, nylon and lavsan.

Important and the frame of the product - modern tents are made using metal or fiberglass. In principle, such a tent chamber will survive even in extreme conditions.

Depending on the number of people vacationing with you, you can choose the optimal size of the tent. In stores there is a large selection, ranging from tiny copies to giants, able to simultaneously accommodate the whole family.

In addition to these parameters of choice, you need to pay attention to the different designs of tent-tents. For example, it can be a half-sphere, a hemisphere, a gable, a four-pitch, a square and a rectangular, and so on.

In addition to the size and shape, the tents differ in their purpose. So, you need to understand in advance for what purposes you are acquiring it. In the shops there are many options for fishing, outdoor recreation, as well as garden tent-tents. And there are tent-tents, which simultaneously serve as a sleeping place and a place for rest.