The Valkyrie Symbol

The Valkyrie symbol helps to preserve wisdom, nobility and other similar qualities. In general, there is enough information about the scope of this amulet. This pagan symbol is of Scandinavian origin. It is impossible to say that Valkyrie is a peaceful symbol, because it still has some kind of aggression aimed at its own defense. The peculiarity of the sign is that it combines several reserve forces at once.

The meaning of the Valkyrie symbol

Valkyrie - the daughter of the god Odin, whose main task was to collect the souls of worthy soldiers and transfer them to Valhalla. This place was a paradise for the brave men who died in battle. According to the existing legends, fatal battles took place daily between all the inhabitants of Valhalla, but in the evening everyone revived and feasted, and then the Valkyries appeased the heroes. Hence we can conclude that the Slavic symbol of Valkyrie has to do with valor, mercy and honor. They made it mainly from wood and sometimes from metal. Blacksmiths often applied the image to a flat surface and then used it as a pendant. They drew Valkyrie and on the body first with the help of paints, and later they made tattoos. Honored by this symbol priests who believed that he has the power to keep the Vedas from unworthy people.

In the figure of the amulet there are many different lines that have their own specific meaning. For example, squares embody the clarity and direction of action. In them one can consider a swastika element resembling the Color of the Fern, which has a healing effect. Slavic Valkyrie charm is best used by men, whose activities are connected with dangerous work, for example, military, fire, police, etc. This does not mean that it is forbidden to women, most importantly, when using a mascot should be comfortable. It should also be noted that this symbol is suitable for people who have qualities related to the guard, that is, fearlessness, strength, perseverance, etc. To his owner he gives self-confidence and helps to achieve the desired in a short time. Slavic witchcraft Valkyrie has the value of a shield, which protects against a different kind of negativity, including from one's own thoughts. The symbol develops wisdom in a person and does not allow him to commit reckless acts. It is important that only the people with a pure heart help.