Diet after a stroke

Stroke is an attack that occurs against the background of the interruption of blood flow to any part of the brain. This is always a very disturbing sign, and after the first stroke, a person simply has to pull himself together, give up alcohol and smoking, and go on a special diet after a stroke of the brain. Otherwise, a second stroke is possible with more sad consequences.

Diet after a stroke: the allowed menu

So, in the list of permitted foods and diet foods after a stroke include the following products:

In this case, the diet after a stroke can be quite delicious, because in time, proper nutrition will become a habit and harmful foods no longer want. Consider an example of a menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, a sandwich with cheese, tea.
  2. Lunch: cereal soup, vegetable salad, compote.
  3. Snack: jelly, a glass of juice.
  4. Dinner: baked chicken without peel with pasta and vegetable salad, mors.
  5. Before going to bed: a glass of yogurt.

Such a diet after an ischemic stroke will make you feel much better and quickly come to the norm.

Diet after a stroke: a list of prohibited foods

The use of certain dishes can provoke a repeated stroke, therefore, they should be abstained. These include:

At the same time, there is an intermediate list, which includes products that can be consumed no more than once a week. These include: lean beef, chicken egg, herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sweet cereal, processed cheese, jujube, honey and candied fruit . Sometimes you can afford and not strong coffee. This is a prerequisite for maintaining health in this period.