Numbness of the legs - causes

To experience a loss of sensitivity in the limbs from time to time, everyone has to. If this happens rarely, and the attack goes away quickly, there is no reason to worry. Another thing is if paresthesia tortures constantly. In this case, you need to seriously look for the cause of numbness of the legs. They, by the way, can be very much. And some of them even indicate serious violations in the work of various vital systems of the body.

The causes of numbness of the legs

Numbness is not an independent phenomenon. It is often accompanied by a feeling of "runnin 'creepy" or constriction, tingling, burning. Practice has shown that loss of leg sensitivity can be a symptom of such problems as:

Today, paresthesia is plagued by a workable population quite often. Therefore, more and more people want to know the causes of numbness of the leg above and below the knee:

  1. Degenerative changes in the spine. This is the reason most often leads to a loss of sensitivity. Because of it, the roots of the nerves are squeezed.
  2. Prolapse of the disc into the vertebral canal. It irritates the spinal cord and nervous tissue. As a result, various neurological symptoms may appear. Including numbness.
  3. Stressful condition. Sometimes hyperestilation leads to paresthesias, a phenomenon in which surface breathing becomes much more frequent.
  4. Raynaud's disease. This cause of numbness of the right or left leg leads to a violation of blood circulation in the arteries. The disease develops against a background of frequent stresses, alcoholic or nicotine intoxications, hereditary predisposition. Characterized by Raynaud's disease is not only numbness, but also the rapid freezing of limbs. And first there is a defeat of the hands, the leg of the affliction affects the last.
  5. Inconvenient position. This is one of the most harmless causes of foot numbness, which in such situations is usually accompanied by tingling and sometimes convulsions.
  6. Lack of vitamin B12. This vitamin is responsible for the basic metabolic processes occurring in nerve fibers. The less it is in the body, the more violated the sensitivity, there is irritability.
  7. Atherosclerosis. This is most often caused by paresthesia in the elderly. Numbness is accompanied by severe pain, weakness, increased fatigue.
  8. Neuropathy. Numbness of the calves of the legs for this reason is due to damage to the nerves as a result of metabolic disorders or intoxications.
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis. It is an infectious disease that affects the joints and deforms them. Against the background of which there is a jamming of the nerves. A characteristic feature of it is swelling of the extremities.
  10. Obliterating endarteritis. When the disease is primarily affected by arterial vessels of the legs. They severely narrow, and the blood flow in them is disturbed.

Elimination of the causes of numbness of the hips and calves of the right and left legs

To begin treatment it is possible only after an establishment of the reason of a numbness. To combat the loss of sensitivity, the following methods are used:

Almost all patients should follow a diet. The diet should consist mainly of hot cereals and foods that contain a large number of micronutrients.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor your health. Avoid hypothermia and preferably abandon bad habits.