Trinity - rites and conspiracies

With many church holidays, various magical conspiracies and rituals are associated, which are aimed at changing a person's life for the better. There are strong rituals and conspiracies on the Trinity , which remain popular until today. Virtually all rituals on this day are carried out using various herbs that have their magical power.

Conspiracy of the Trinity to beauty

To keep your youth for a long time, get rid of various skin problems, you can perform a very simple ritual, for which you should go out into the field or the forest at dawn and collect dew from the calamus or thyme. After that she needs to wash herself, saying such words:

"Trinity is strong, my face has saved me from all sorts of misfortunes! Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Conspiracy and ritual for the Trinity on money

To improve your own financial situation, you can conduct a very simple ritual. It is necessary to go to the field in the morning, collect a centipedes, put it in your bosom and go to the morning service in the temple. Having come home, it is necessary to prepare the broth, fill the plant with water and boil on the stove. In a ready-made broth pair, saying these words:

"How rich this grass is, so let me be full. I want money to flow, but my debts did not accumulate "

After carrying out such a procedure, things will go uphill, and you can expect to improve your financial situation.

Plot in the Trinity to get married

A huge number of girls dream of meeting their second half, which causes the presence of various conspiracies and rituals associated with this area. Before the feast of the Trinity, we should weave a wreath using different wild flowers. Then cross it three times and say these words:

"The girls are walking around the fields, bouquets are worn, and then they throw them into the water. The betrothed, wreath and bear me back. Amen!"

Until noon, the Trinity needs to throw a wreath in the pond and go home without turning around.

Rites and plots on the Trinity from diseases

Many people turn to magic when faced with various diseases. If the child is often more, then it is possible to conduct a simple ritual on the Trinity, for which you need to bathe the child, and pour out the remaining water under the old oak, while saying these words:

"I pour the disease, I save the child from the disease".

It is believed that the disease goes first to water, and then, it goes into the tree. Thanks to this baby will be healthy.

If someone seriously ill in the family and no medication does not help, you can conduct a simple ritual that will help to improve the situation and improve a person's condition. On the day of the Trinity it is necessary to collect a bouquet of wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow. After that, you should buy three candles and defend the morning service in the church. When you come home, light the candles in the room where the patient is. On the floor, put the herbs, saying these words:

"The candles were lit - the ailments were gone, the herbs were scattered - all the diseases were taken away!"

Words repeat three times. A sick person should walk around scattered plants throughout the day. It is important that the candles completely burn out. The next day, collect the herbs and throw them away from home.

In addition to the presented conspiracies, it is worth pointing out and the rite, which is spent on the Trinity in the cemetery. It was ancient and meant a lot to the Slavs. On this holy holiday the old women made brooms from birch branches and went to the graves of their loved ones. They swept the burial grounds and remembered the dead people. It was believed that in this way they cleared the eyes of the departed from life.

Another interesting ritual, which has tremendous power and helps to get protection from a different kind of negativity. To perform the ritual, it is necessary to prepare holy water, seven church candles, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God and Jesus Christ, the salt of the Thursday, a pair of mirrors and matches. On the table, the objects should be placed in a certain order: place the mirrors on the left and on the right side to reflect the face in them, and also they reflect each other. Between them put the icons, before which put four candles, and three more places in front of you. On the right side at the edge of the table, put a container of holy water. The table and chair should be enclosed in a circle, for which use first holy water, and then, salt, which must be poured on the floor. It should be moved clockwise. Sit on a chair and say such a plot:

"The mirror is dark, the heart is black,

Lord, help, sanctify the soul.

I light a candle (light all the candles)

And in supplication I ask: put it on me.

To the Servant of God (name) Prince of Darkness seal of Adu.

Reflect the fire of Christ that seal is black,

Which they put on me,

Servant of God (name), evil people.

Protect, Jesus, the protection of the unbearable,

Lord, Jesus Christ,

Mother Mother of God,

I bow three bows:

for the first time (cross)

Do not turn your back on me, servants of God (name),

For sins are free and involuntary. Amen.

On the second occasion (cross yourselves)

Give salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen.

For the third time (cross)

To the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Defend the servant of God (name)

The veil is unbearable,

Protection of the ineradicable. Amen

Time after time, cross after the cross.

Close me, O Lord, with your finger.

Three-cross holy water put

(carry a water cross over the body with water),

In the name of the Lord I close the cross (another water cross),

In the name of Jesus Christ, I close myself with a cross (the third water cross).

In the name of the Holy Spirit I close myself with a cross. Amen, (to make the sign of the cross, to bow). "

Candles should completely burn out completely, and water on the body should completely burn out. After the rite, you need to fast three days, and the next day go to church , buy 12 candles and put 3 pieces. before the following icons: Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity, Mother of God and Panteleimon.