Thoracic protrudes tongue

Sometimes caring parents notice that their newborn child began to often stick out his tongue. What is it: pampering or a sign of any disease? We'll hurry to reassure you - surely your baby is all right. Simply the child has recently arrived in our world and began to actively learn it, in other matters, as well as his body, and in particular - the tongue. In the event that the babe constantly puts out the tongue, worried parents should observe his behavior. Surely many people have heard that this may not be an innocent fun, but rather a serious symptom of the disease of the endocrine or nervous system.

Why does the newborn put out his tongue?

Many young inexperienced parents often seek an explanation for the simple and harmless behavior of the baby. But, more often than not, the reasons for the fact that the little woman pokes out the tongue are prosaic:

Thoracic outstretches tongue - possible diseases

  1. A fairly common reason for the child to stick out a tongue is thrush. Since with this disease the baby has a white coating on the cheeks, palate and tongue, which sometimes causes very unpleasant, and sometimes even painful, sensations. To treat thrush should consult a pediatrician.
  2. It is worthwhile to worry if the drop-out tongue of a newborn is accompanied by a head tilt back during sleep. This may indicate increased intracranial pressure. It is necessary to consult a specialist and pass the necessary examination.
  3. Sometimes, due to the individual structure of the lower jaw, the child simply does not manage to completely cover the tongue for teeth. Most likely this is not a disease, but it is worth asking for a doctor's consultation and undergoing the necessary examination. Since in some cases an increased size of the tongue may indicate the presence of any congenital disease.
  4. In the event that the language of the newborn falls out of the mouth and at the same time looks rather large and swollen, it is necessary immediate specialist help. This may be a sign of thyroid disease - hypothyroidism. However, it should be noted that children with hypothyroidism differ from healthy children not only with their tongue sticking out constantly. Usually, with this disease, the child's voice becomes low and hoarse.

As you can see the reasons that a newborn child puts out a tongue, can be quite diverse and not always indicate the presence of serious diseases. But in any case, if you are concerned about this phenomenon, consult a doctor and go through the necessary examinations. Every caring parent knows when to "sound an alarm", the main thing is do not overdo it!