Scoliosis of 1 degree - treatment

The curvature of the spine is diagnosed today in many people. It starts to develop from childhood and only progresses with the years. If everyone started treatment of scoliosis even in the first degree, many problems could be avoided. But as practice shows, the symptoms of the disease in the early stages are all neglected.

Treatment of 1 degree scoliosis in the home

The brightest sign of the first degree of scoliosis is asymmetric shoulders. In most patients, due to an ailment, posture is disturbed, stoop appears. Sometimes the signs of curvature of the spine disappear immediately after the load is removed from it.

Prognosis of recovery at the beginning of treatment of scoliosis at an early stage is most favorable. The main principle of effective therapy - external effects directly on the spine and the surrounding muscles.

The treatment is as follows:

  1. Exercise therapy. The obligatory component of the treatment of scoliosis of the lumbar department of the first degree is regular motor activity. For the benefit will go and the usual warm-up, and a set of exercises, which is appointed individually by vertebrologists.
  2. Swimming. This kind of sport very effectively helps to correct posture . In addition, regular trips to the pool develop and strengthen the muscular corset.
  3. Massage. Without it, a scoliosis of the first degree in the home will be hard to cure. This procedure helps to relax those muscles that are already tense, and stretch relaxed. Effective can only be a full course of massage, consisting of 10-15 sessions.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Ultrasound, electrophoresis , magnetotherapy - they provide approximately the same result as massage - relax and strain the muscles.
  5. Diet. Even in the case of scoliosis, a diet enriched with proteins, vitamins and minerals will be useful.