Polyostoarthritis of the joints of the hands

Polyostoarthrosis of the joints of the hands is usually diagnosed when the disease is in neglected form, and strong pathological changes have occurred in the bones. Although the disease does not affect other body systems, but in the absence of systemic treatment the patient suffers from severe pain, besides, the joints lose their habitual functions.

The patients suffering from polyosteoarthritis especially complain of painful sensations in the damaged joints that overcome them in the morning. In order to restore the motor skills of the hands it sometimes takes more than an hour.

Treatment of polyostoarthrosis of the joints of the hands

The disease therapy includes:

1. The use of analgesics for reducing pain manifestations.

2. Reception hondoprotektorov, facilitating the restoration of articular cartilage, for example:

3. Use of non-steroidal preparations with anti-inflammatory action, such as:

4. Rubbing corticosteroid ointments into diseased joints, among them:

5. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, such as:

In the most neglected cases, the patient is prescribed Plakvenil. The drug treatment course is aimed at reducing inflammation in the arthrosis nodes and preventing the recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of polyosteoarthrosis of the joints of hands with folk remedies

To ease the patient's condition is largely helped by folk remedies. Here is the recipe for one of the most effective.

Onion-onion compress


Preparation and use

Chop the onion, garlic, and aloe in a blender. In the saucepan spread the resulting mush, wax and melted butter. We put on a weak fire and, stirring, let the mixture boil. Compresses should be kept overnight.

Attention! A significant place in the therapy of polyostoarthrosis is proper nutrition, including in the diet of fresh vegetables and vegetable juices, as well as reducing the burden on the fingers.