Feeding mode of a newborn

Choosing the right mode of feeding an infant is one of the most urgent problems for the mother in the first weeks and months after childbirth. In reality, this task is reduced to the fact that parents must decide whether they will adjust to the mode of the newborn or the optimal frequency of feeding will try to ask themselves.

Feeding "strict regime" or by the clock

A strict regime was not so long ago obligatory for all mothers and children in our country. He assumes feeding by the clock, with certain intervals.

First time, no more than a week - two, the interval between feedings can be 3 - 3.5 hours. This is the time for which lactation is established and the child gets used to the regime. How soon he will get used to, depends on the weight and nature of the baby.

A child weighing 3.5 kg can be transferred to the regime with an interval of 4 hours. This mode of feeding is always used on artificial feeding . For example, the feeding regime can be written as follows: 6.00 - 10.00 - 14.00 - 18.00 - 22.00 - 2.00. You can move the whole feeding schedule an hour forward or backward, if it is convenient for you and the baby.

Flexible diet of a newborn

Flexible mode is otherwise called feeding on demand . Already from the title it becomes clear what it means. Simply feed your baby right away when he asks, regardless of the time of day and the interval that has passed since the last meal.

This regime has pros and cons. From the positive points:

The only negative point is that the regime of feeding a month-old baby is one constant feeding, and nothing more. But, as with feeding by the hour, soon everything will settle down, and the feeding regimen will become more orderly after 2 months.