Clothing sizes for children - table

With the advent of the child in the family, parents have a lot of new worries and hassle. One of the important questions is the choice of clothes for the baby. In the first months of the life of her child, parents still do not attach much importance to the size of clothes for children. Until the child began to walk or at least sit, his clothes should be just soft and comfortable. Sliders, bodysuits, overalls and blouses for the newborn appear in huge quantities in the form of gifts from relatives and friends. Many things kids do not have time to even put on once, because in the first months children grow very quickly. However, sooner or later, parents are faced with the question of how to determine the size of a child's clothing.

Entering the children's clothing store, and asking them to show their favorite thing, each mother will hear the question - what size? Many mothers call the age of their child, believing that the same clothes are suitable for young children. However, even in the smallest sizes can vary significantly. If the growth of one child in five months is 58 cm, and the other 65 cm, it is natural that these children will need things of different sizes.

Most manufacturers of children's clothing, to indicate its size, use the growth of a child. This measurement system is convenient and suitable for toddlers under the age of four. In this case, parents should take into account that the sizes of clothes for children are focused on toddlers of standard composition. The size of a child in 1 year can vary significantly. It depends on the degree of activity of the baby, his nutrition, physical and psychological development. Specialists from all over the world agreed that each kid is individual and there is no single system for all children. Below is a table of clothing sizes for children under the age of one year and a table of sizes from one year to four years.

Table of clothing sizes for a child up to a year

Table of sizes of clothes for children from one year to four years

For children older than four years, in addition to growth, other anthropometric measures are used to determine the size of clothing. One of them is the weight of the child. Also, often used volume of the chest, hips and waist.

Table of sizes of clothes for children over the age of four

In order to purchase comfortable clothes for your child, in addition to the size, the following should be considered: