Diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis in newborns is very common, it occurs as a result of prolonged irritation of the skin with urine and feces. The baby's skin is still too sensitive to external influences, its upper layer is very thin, the vessels are fragile, and the subcutaneous fatty tissue is not yet able to limit the arising inflammatory processes. According to statistics, from 30 to 60% of parents of babies for a year know what diaper dermatitis looks like. At girls it meets more often, than at boys.

Diaper dermatitis has pronounced symptoms, it manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling, diaper rash in the genital area, that is, where the skin is covered with a diaper or diaper, hence the name. In addition, a baby with dermatitis experiences constant discomfort, itching, the skin becomes very sensitive to irritations. This negatively affects his general condition - the child is moody, restless, his appetite is gone and sleep is disturbed. Pediatric dermatitis in children is easily treatable, if in time to identify and eliminate the cause that causes it.

Diaper dermatitis, causes

Conditionally, the causes of inflammation of the skin and intertrigo, can be combined into the following groups:

  1. Mechanical. Dermatitis occurs if a disposable diaper is used as a diaper or liner from a coarse cloth with many folds and seams. There is a friction of the material about the tender baby skin and - inflammation is inevitable. Mechanical friction can also occur in disposable diapers if they are improperly sized.
  2. Physical. The skin under the diaper is moistened and has a higher temperature. Moisture destroys the natural lubrication of the skin and makes it more vulnerable to mechanical damage. In addition, a moist and warm environment is favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora.
  3. Chemical. They occur when urine is mixed with feces, since ammonia contained in the feces is added to substances contained in urine, protease and lipase. Also, chemical factors include skin irritating effects of cosmetic and detergents containing allergens and fragrances.
  4. Biological. Weakened and irritated skin is easily infected with microorganisms that are contained in feces, such as fungi of the genus Candida or Staphylococcus aureus. They cause candida diaper dermatitis and diaphragmatic dermatitis staphylococcal, respectively, which are characterized by a stronger and prolonged inflammation.

Diaper dermatitis, treatment

The first step to alleviating the condition of the child with diaper rash is to identify and eliminate the causes that cause them. The general principle is one - it is desirable to minimize the contact of the baby's skin with possible irritants, that is, as often as possible to arrange air baths and "holopopit." To prevent relapse, you need to change the brand or size of disposable diapers, washing powder, baby soap, cream. Also, if necessary, affected areas of the skin need to be treated with appropriate means, dry ones - moisten (cream beponen, usual baby cream or sterilized olive oil), wetting - to dry (talcum).

Enough beneficial for diaper dermatitis affects the treatment of folk remedies .

  1. These include baths with broths of chamomile and string.
  2. Another way is to mix in equal parts starch and crushed streptocid tablets, the resulting powder should be used as a powder.

If these measures do not help, and within three days of relief does not occur, most likely, diaper dermatitis was joined by an infection and for treatment should consult a doctor.