Tights from varicose veins

Varicose veins - an insidious disease. To start treatment should be already at occurrence of a small setochki - the first symptom. In addition to traditional methods and surgical intervention, there is an additional method of treatment and prevention - elastic pantyhose from varicose veins. Their wearing is mandatory after the intervention of surgeons (sclerotherapy). Compression pantyhose with varicose veins is a concern for health and at the same time a corrective effect, because they fit tightly on the legs.

Therapeutic effect

Doctors recommend that women purchase tights with a compression effect in the earliest stages of varicose veins. The fact is that the walls of the vessels no longer manage to maintain the optimum level of pressure. If you do nothing, the appearance of nodes that not only look, to put it mildly, not aesthetically, but also pose a threat to health, can not be avoided. Preventive tights from varicose allow to normalize the blood flow in the vessels, so that the veins do not appear thrombi. Dense tights have a pressure on the tibia, and this leads to the disappearance of edema and muscle pain .

Many women already in the second trimester of the "interesting position" on their feet appears a reticulum of vessels, which eventually becomes more noticeable. Vessels of a pregnant woman experience enormous loads, so they need support. That is why pantyhose from varicose veins are a real salvation for pregnant women. Ordinary tights, even the most dense and fitting, therapeutic effect can not provide.

Selection rules

About how to choose tights for varicose veins, you will tell the doctor, because to buy them you need a prescription with the specified parameters. Choosing tights against varicose veins for pregnant women is the prerogative of an observant physician. Improperly selected tights can do more harm than good. What to look for when buying these products in the pharmacy network? First, the appointment. Tights from varicose veins can be curative and preventive. Secondly, the degree of compression tights. Here you should follow the recommendations of a specialist. Thirdly, the quality of the product itself. Do not hesitate to ask the pharmacist for the accompanying documentation for the goods. Quality tights from varicose, which are tailored to individual parameters, can improve the situation and save you from this unpleasant problem.