Concussion - symptoms in children

As if parents did not protect their child, unfortunately, not always they manage to protect our scapegoats from falls and injuries. The head suffers most often in such situations.

If you try to foresee situations in which the baby can get a concussion, then the list will look something like this:

  1. In 4-5 months, kids become more active, they can roll to the edge of the table (sofa, beds) and fall.
  2. Parents throw the child up, and he, flying up, can "fly" to the ceiling or chandelier, hitting this way.
  3. Parents may not catch the baby when he returns from the "flight".
  4. When adults rock the child in their arms, they can accidentally hit his head with furniture corners, a door, and so on.
  5. Toddler growing up, more often himself is in the process of finding where to climb and where to fall. Increased risk of falling from a chair, sofa, etc.

Consequences of concussion in children

Concussion in an infant and a one-year-old child is quite common. Therefore, parents should be vigilant enough to avoid falling. After all, the effects of concussion in children can manifest themselves in the future, significantly complicating their lives. In fact, if you have received a concussion at least once in your life, it will constantly remind you about yourself even after ten to fifteen years. Such people are excessively irritable and vulnerable. A child after such an injury can cry more often than usual. A depressive condition may also develop in the future. Such people do not tolerate heat and cold, they are difficult to concentrate, they can often be disturbed by insomnia, they may suffer from claustrophobia.

Concussion in children: symptoms

If the child hits his head and then dizziness, sweating, weakness, nausea and vomiting, forgetfulness or memory loss, loss of consciousness, pale face, sometimes a sense of lostness in space, the child is clearly marked by a broken concentration of eyes, immediately call for medical attention! The child has a concussion!

First aid in case of concussion

If the baby is conscious, lay him on the floor and cover the heat. Place a blanket under the baby that does not let the cold pass.

If the child, having hit his head, fainted, lay him on his side. Check that the baby stays on its side.

Mark how much time the child is unconscious. Then the doctor will ask about it. Know that the temperature of the body with a concussion of the brain remains normal.

Concussion in children: treatment

First of all, we must provide the child with rest and peace. Anything that annoys the brain, including reading, watching the cartoons must be avoided.

The family should reign peace and tranquility. The child should not be subjected to stress, do not swear at the baby, and even more so engage in assault.

Treatment lasts an average of two to three weeks. Light concussion in children is treated faster. However, in severe cases, there may be recurrent complications at any age. Complications can manifest as increased intracranial pressure.

How to protect the child from concussion?

You can refer to the experience of Americans who spend a lot of time addressing issues related to the health of children:

  1. The law forbids children to ride without a helmet on a bicycle, snowboard, snowmobile and skate. For violation, parents are fined.
  2. In many states, children are prohibited from walking themselves until they reach the age of 12, because they can not be held responsible for their actions.
  3. Never leave a small child, even a nursing child, unattended on the tables, always hold it with one hand.
  4. Try to be attentive and anticipate the actions of your baby, to exclude the possibility of his fall and injuries.