Kvass from birch juice with raisins - simple recipes, benefits and ways of storing a drink

Kvass from birch juice with raisins fully preserves all the irreplaceable valuable properties of the original product and perfectly quenches thirst in the heat. If you have the opportunity to prepare such a useful invigorating drink, be sure to use it.

How to cook kvas from birch sap?

Birch kvass with raisins, the recipes of which are set forth below, are prepared elementary, without requiring sleight of hand or special skills. If you follow the simple requirements of the technological process, the result will certainly please the excellent taste of the ready-made drink.

  1. To prepare the drink use only fresh birch sap, extracted in spring from the "weeping" tree.
  2. Raw material is filtered initially through gauze to get rid of possible impurities of debris.
  3. Raisins are chosen from a trusted seller, natural and not processed by chemicals.
  4. Before use, the dried berries are not washed, adding to the original liquid base in its original form.
  5. Preparation of kvass from birch juice with raisins can take from two to three days to two to three months.

Kvass from birch juice with dried fruits

The most aromatic is birch kvass with raisins with the addition of dried fruits (apples, pears, dried apricots, plums). If desired, the drink can be sweetened to taste, adding sugar or honey during fermentation and stirring until all the crystals have dissolved. As a rule, with proper temperature conditions, the fermentation process takes about a week.



  1. The collected juice is filtered, poured into a bottle, add raisins and dried fruits.
  2. Tie a container with a folded four-gauze cut and place it in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. Withstands the workpiece for a week, stirring occasionally.
  4. Ready kvass from birch juice with raisins and dried fruits is filtered, bottled and stored for storage in the cold.

Birch kvass with raisins and sugar

Another variation of a useful drink is kvass from birch sap without yeast, prepared according to the classical technology with the addition of sugar. You can use both light dried grape berries and dark ones, and sugar can be replaced by honey if desired. After three days of fermentation at a temperature of 22 degrees, you can try a drink.



  1. The collected juice is filtered, poured into a suitable container and dissolved in it sugar.
  2. Add raisins, cover the dish with gauze or cloth and place in a darkened place.
  3. After three days you can take a sample from the drink and if it is ready, strain kvass from birch juice with raisins and pour it for storage in bottles.

Birch kvass with honey and raisins

The following recipe for kvass from birch sap and raisins assumes the use of natural honey as a sweetener. The value of the liquid base is supplemented by the unique properties of the bee product, creating an indispensable drink for strengthening immunity, enhancing the tone, or simply for quenching thirst on a hot day.



  1. The collected juice is filtered, honey is dissolved in it, the mixture is poured into a bottle.
  2. Sprinkle raisins, cover the vessel with a clean cloth cut or gauze, leave it for fermentation at room conditions for five days.
  3. Ready kvass from birch juice with honey and raisins is filtered, bottled and placed in the cold for storage.

Birch kvass with barley and raisins

Kvass from birch sap with barley and raisins is famous for its valuable effect on the body. The drink quickly restores strength, reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels and is therefore especially preferred for the introduction of diabetics into the daily diet . Stored such a drink for up to six months, so without fear it can be harvested for future use.



  1. Unrefined barley is fried in a dry frying pan until a rich blush is obtained.
  2. Fry the roasted croup in a container with filtered juice, throw raisins, cover the vessel and leave to wander for 10 days.
  3. Filter and store birch kvass with raisins in plastic bottles or glass containers, placing them in the cold.

Birch kvass with lemon and raisins

Birch kvass, the recipe of which will be described below, is prepared with a lemon, which increases the already impressive immune-stimulating effect of the drink and makes it even more useful. In addition, the addition of citrus fruit has a positive effect on the taste characteristics of the drink, refreshing it and giving a special flavor.



  1. In the strained birch wort squeeze the juice from lemons, add honey, yeast and raisins.
  2. Stir the mass, throw a couple of lemon slices with skin, cover the container and leave in the cold for fermentation for 5 days.
  3. Before use, the drink is filtered.

A simple recipe for kvass from birch sap

If you still have not chosen the best brewed kvass recipe , this option might interest you. The drink is prepared quickly and simply, and it is possible not only to be useful, but also incredibly tasty, fragrant. Flavoring characteristics enriches mint and oranges, and honey gives the missing sweetness.



  1. In the filtered juice, dissolve honey, add orange juice, a few lobules whole, mashed branches of mint and raisins.
  2. Cover the container with a cloth, leave it under room conditions for 3-5 days.
  3. Ready delicious kvass from birch sap is filtered, bottled and placed in the cold.

What is useful birch kvass for the body?

Evaluating birch kvass with raisins, benefits and harm are one of the most important criteria. Depending on the components of the additional components, the characteristics may vary, but the main and main properties, as a rule, remain unchanged.

  1. Drinking the drink not only improves the immune system, but also cleanses the body of toxins.
  2. Containing in the kvass elements contribute to the excretion of the kidneys and bladder stones.
  3. Drinking before meals helps to cope with diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Contraindicated use of such kvass in the presence of allergies to birch pollen.

How to store birch kvass?

Storage of birch kvass is a simple matter and if the drink is prepared in compliance with all requirements of the recipe, problems, as a rule, do not arise. Having received as a result of certain actions and extracts a tasty and medicinal product, it is necessary to have a little more patience over it, in order to preserve both the taste and aroma and properties of a tasty drink.

  1. Finished kvass is filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into suitable containers. For short-term storage, plastic containers are also suitable, for longer you need to choose glass bottles or jars.
  2. The containers with the drink are sealed and placed in a cool place with a constant temperature.
  3. Under proper conditions, kvass from birch sap can be stored for 3-6 months.