Tile for bathroom mosaic

When we hear about mosaic masonry, the first one comes to the head with a bathroom, sauna or pool. It so happened that the mosaic often covers the walls of premises with high humidity. Moisture resistance of mosaic masonry is not higher than usual full-size tiles, but when light hits, pieces of ceramics or glass pour out like drops of water, perhaps, that's why the mosaic has become a favorite among other varieties of bathroom design.

Wall tiles for mosaic

Usually a favorite place for designers to arrange a mosaic pattern is the walls. Wall masonry always looks spectacular and aesthetic, and with the help of colored pieces of tiles of different sizes, almost any pattern can be laid out.

Unconditional classic - white tiles for mosaic, but to ensure that the interior of the bathroom does not look inconspicuous, often white tiles are combined with pieces of tiles of cream, gray and black. However, the color contrast of the white mosaic can be a tile of absolutely any shade of the palette or mosaic under the glass.

Where more elegantly look the walls, covered with black ceramic tiles for mosaic. Deaf black color on the walls looks great in spacious bathrooms with good lighting, but the owners of rooms of small dimensions can mix black tiles with lighter neighbors in the palette.

In choosing a mosaic, you should not limit yourself to the usual black and white gamma. Any bright colors are always welcome, especially if your bathroom is not a source of natural light.

Floor tiles in the bathroom under the mosaic

At least a mosaic is found on the bathroom floor. She can continue the composition on the wall or completely contrast with it. At the same time, by using the distribution of mosaic pieces, it is possible to visually distort the geometry of the room. The main thing is to choose a high-quality and strong tile for mosaic and waterproof grout, which prevents the formation of mold.