Hyperopia - treatment

Visual impairment, accompanied by a loss of ability to clearly see objects located near, is called hypermetropia or farsightedness, and treatment was made possible by the development of eye microsurgery. This anomaly of vision is both congenital and coming with age due to a decrease in the elasticity of the lens and the weakening of the muscles.

Development of the disease

There are several stages of hypermetropia:

Methods of treatment of hyperopia

Laser correction

The most popular and effective way, during which the beam is exposed to the cornea of ​​the eye, and it takes the form of a correct lens, that is, one that makes vision good. Treatment of hyperopia with laser does not affect any tissues of the eye except the cornea, therefore the operation is carried out in one day and lasts 10 to 15 minutes. This method of restoring vision is appropriate for hyperopia no more than +4.0 diopters.

Refractive lens replacement

A method that allows to cure hyperopia above +4.0 diopters. It involves removing the lens and replacing it with an artificial one that has the necessary optical power. This operation in particular helps to combat age-related visual impairment .

Implantation of phakic lenses

A method that involves implanting a special lens into the anterior or posterior chamber of the eye. The operation is also carried out for one day, the seams do not impose.

Radial keratotomy

It is a less popular method of treatment, although once it was revolutionary. On the periphery of the cornea make blind radial incisions. When they grow together, the shape of the cornea changes, and its optical strength increases. Today such treatment is associated with a number of risks and disadvantages:


Also, the cornea can be transplanted from the donor, after having given it the desired shape with the help of the program.

Treatment of hyperopia at home

The experience of many people shows that it is possible to restore the ideal vision even in the most serious anomalies. This method is dedicated to the method of Dr. M. Norbekov, suggesting the performance of physical exercises and gymnastics for the eyes. The key to success, according to the author, is the systematic nature of classes and a firm belief in their effectiveness.

Treatment of hyperopia with folk remedies gives less tangible results and involves taking infusions of herbs (Chinese lemongrass , sweet marsh, etc.).