Tincture of Japanese Sophora - application

Demand for folk remedies today is very high because of the distrust of people in the pharmacological industry. Those who prefer natural herbs to synthetic chemical compounds are certainly guided by the well-known phrase that "one medication is treated and the other is maimed." Partly it is, but not in such a hypertrophic form.

Although in this desire for naturalness there is one strangeness: when in pharmacies medicines could be counted on fingers and pharmacology only became popular, people stood in line for medicines. When there were countless numbers, many returned to their starting point, and began again to seek to treat serious ailments with rootlets and broths.

But Sophora occupies an intermediate place between the category "folk remedies" and "medical preparations", because today the tincture of sophora is produced, which consists of two components - alcohol and fruit extracts.

Tincture of Japanese Sophora today, mainly, is used in dermatology, although it may well be suitable for treating diseases from another area.

Preparation of tincture of Japanese Sophora

Tincture of Sophora can not only be bought at the pharmacy, but also prepared independently - the main thing is that the tree, from flowers of which it will be made, grows in an ecological zone - far from the road and plants. Here's what you need to do to get the tincture:

  1. Take fresh fruits of Sophora and alcohol in such quantity that the proportion 1: 1 will turn out. If using dried fruits, increase the number of fruits to a proportion of 1: 2.
  2. Raw fruits, chop, place in a bowl with a dense lid and dark glass, and pour 70% alcohol.
  3. This mixture should be infused for about 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature.
  4. In the allotted time, wring out and filter the tincture, and then store it in a cool place.

Application of sophora tincture

Japanese Sophora has such medicinal properties, in which tincture is most often used externally. Nevertheless, this does not prohibit taking it inside with the corresponding diseases.

Sophora for vessels

For example, for the treatment of vascular diseases, half a teaspoon of tincture is diluted in a glass of water and taken in the morning and evening. Before use, consult a doctor to avoid possible complications and individual intolerance.

Sophora with stomach ulcer

You can also find the statement that tincture of Sophora can be taken with a stomach ulcer . This can only be done if the tincture is not alcohol, because alcohol is contraindicated in diseases of the gastric mucosa.

Sophora in dentistry

Also tincture of Sophora is used for the treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis. Dilute 1 cup of water in a glass of water. spoon of sophora tincture and rinse your mouth.

Sophora for hair

In cosmetology, tincture of sophora is used to strengthen hair - for this 1 tbsp. diluted in half a glass of water and rubbed into the scalp.

Instructions for the use of pharmacy tincture Sophora

The use of alcohol tincture of Japanese Sophora from a pharmacy is no different from a homemade tincture.

So, the pharmacy tincture of Sophora consists of alcohol 48% and fruits of Sophora. It is a herbal remedy that has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

It is prescribed for the following diseases:

Inside, this drug is prescribed from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon several times a day. External use as applications, compresses and irrigation.


It is not recommended to use the product for children and pregnant women because of the presence of alcohol, and it is also prohibited to use components with individual intolerance.