Angina pectoris - treatment with folk remedies

More recently, for the first time with angina, about 20-25% of people aged 50 to 55 years have experienced. Today, the "angina pectoris" does not spare even young people. If you do not fight this disease at the initial stages, then you can not be surprised that in a few years the patient with angina will "visit" myocardial infarction.

The first signs of angina pectoris

Because of the unequal amount of oxygen that comes to the heart and which he needs, angina arises. The risk factors for this disease include:

At the same time, the more components there are for one person, the shorter will be his way from angina to a heart attack. If you have pain in the area of ​​the heart or behind the sternum, which gives to the shoulder, left arm or neck, sweat droplets appeared on the forehead, and the face turned pale, know that these are the first signs of angina and you should immediately go to the doctor.

How to relieve an attack of angina?

Before the arrival of the physician, the patient must be provided with emergency aid in case of an attack of angina pectoris. First, you should sit and release the body from the clamps, that is, unbutton the collar, strap, remove excess clothing. It is necessary to open a window, so that fresh air enters the room, and also put warm warmers to the feet of the patient. A good help in this situation, 1-2 tablets Nitroglycerin.

When you do not have this medication at hand, and you do not know how to take an angina attack, do not panic. In this case, the patient will help a clove of garlic, which must be swallowed whole. To relieve the feeling of panic and restore the heart rate to normal, it is worth to drop 6 drops of fir oil into the palm of your hand and rub them into the skin.

Folk remedies for angina pectoris

When the attack has passed, it is necessary to begin treatment of angina pectoris. A good alternative to medicines are methods of traditional medicine. It is necessary to revise the diet.

Treatment of stenocardia at home should begin with the fact that the patient reduces the consumption of sugar, salt, pork, muffins, rich broths, smoked foods and spices. It is better that his daily meals consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, peas, soy, mushrooms and vegetable oil.

If we talk about the treatment of stenocardia folk remedies, we can not fail to mention garlic and honey. These natural antioxidants:

To prepare a folk remedy for stenocardia, a large head of garlic, grated on a grater, you need to mix with the juice of 3 lemons and 200 g of natural honey. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 days and take it for 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

Proven folk methods of treating angina pectoris are the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs. So, forget about this disease will help you tea from hawthorn. Brew it at the rate of 1 liter of boiling water for 4 tbsp. l. dry grass.

It is possible to effectively treat angina with folk remedies with the help of infusions of hawthorn berries and valerian herbs. You will need to grind the equal proportions of ingredients, 7 tbsp. l. pour in a jar, pour 1.5 liters of hot water and, wrapping a container, leave it for a day. To drink it it is necessary filtered on 1 glass during meal.

Carrying out a popular treatment for angina pectoris, do not forget about massage. It promotes the normalization of vascular reactions, the removal of spasms in the cardiovascular system and adapts the body to physical exertion. Massage with angina pectoris should be performed only by professionals under the constant supervision of a physician.