Self-Hypnosis - Technology

There are many psychological mysteries in man. His subconscious is fraught with many secrets and unsolved facts. And hypnosis is one of the most interesting moments of the psyche of every personality. The effectiveness of the hypnosis technique of communication with the subconscious world of the individual has been proved quite recently and plays an important role in medicine and psychotherapy.

Many avoid the influence of hypnosis, because the latter allows you to gain unlimited power over human consciousness. But there are also those who seek to study self-hypnosis, the technique of which is no less complicated, like ordinary hypnosis.

Methods of self-hypnosis allow a person to independently introduce himself into a state of trance , instilling in his second "I" necessary. It should be noted that these techniques are very similar to meditation, autogenic training and self-hypnosis. Below we will consider in more detail what is self-hypnosis for beginners, what are its classical types and how to learn self-hypnosis.

Classical types of self-hypnosis

  1. The first is the study of self-hypnosis through the participation of a hypnotist. The latter inspires the participant, who is in a trance, that he at any time, when he wishes, can reach this state with the help of muscle relaxation. Thus the hypnotist inspires, that the person is capable, when he wants, to inspire his subconscious mind necessary.
  2. The next kind of classical self-hypnosis is something very close to autogenic training. A person needs to settle down more comfortably, having inspired himself a relaxation state. Do not forget that the brain at this moment must remain awake. The body is relaxed, consciousness goes into the unconscious. Start repeating the desired phrases.

Popular ways of self-hypnosis

1. One of the most common methods of self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis Betty Erickson. The authorship of this technique is attributed to the wife of the researcher Milton Erickson. The first method is based on the theory of Erickson on three systems of human representation (kinesthetic, auditory, kinesthetic). With their help, the brain receives information. Here is how the method of introduction into a trance looks:

2. The second version of the technique differs from the first only in that you need to represent everything within yourself, watching yourself from the outside. Proceed according to the above scheme. And with your hand you will have to touch your real body, not forgetting to watch it from the side.

It is worth noting that everyone can learn the technique of self-hypnosis. It's just necessary to remember, inspiring your subconscious with the necessary formulas, that you are responsible for your life.