Top 25 most beautiful birds in the world

If you are a fan of everything beautiful, these adorable birds will certainly like you. Multicolored, with tufts, luxurious tails, small and large - they all deserve your attention.

Some of them you could hear, someone might even have seen, but do not doubt, in this collection there are also such copies that will make you open your mouth with surprise and emotion.

1. Amazonian crowned fly mongrel

Famous for his tuft. The crowned fly moth is a small, but very pretty bird. The male scallop brightly scarlet, and the female "wear" a golden ornament with blackish ink tips. Disclose their puffs birds can both during the mating season, and in a fight.

2. Small hyacinth macaw

It is a large parrot whose life expectancy can exceed 50 years. Unfortunately, now small hyacinth macaws

are on the verge of extinction - their population on the planet is only 1,300 adults. Birds catch poultry, their homes are destroyed. But there is also good news: environmental organizations have taken parrots under their care and are struggling to provide them with conditions that are comfortable for life and continuation of the genus.

3. Indian rhinoceros

This handsome man is easy to recognize - for a large, but rather pretty horn on his head. Representatives of some tribes believed that the skulls of rhino birds bring luck and wealth. And although today there has not been a quantitative assessment of the population of this species, its representatives are classified as endangered.

4. The Atlantic impasse

Or "ocean clown", which can fly at a speed that reaches 88.5 km / h. This is the only representative of the Tupikov family, living in the Atlantic. Most of their life, representatives of this species spend on the water. In their free time from hunting, they are swaying in waves. But in the summer and spring, the Atlantic dead ends return to dry land and are engaged in settling colonies there.

5. Scaly bird of paradise

The king of Saxony - otherwise called that bird - looks very extravagant. When the scaly bird of paradise was first seen in Europe, many did not even believe that its horns are real. There were questions about the voice of the king, which is difficult to describe in words. The fact is that the singing of a bird of paradise is like a mix of alarm sounds, working chainsaws and dubsteps.

6. Curled araris

A very strange and yet incredibly beautiful araris comes from the Toucan family. One god knows why, but the black feathers on the head of this bird grow curlicues. Curly araris are not considered an endangered species, however their habitats may suffer from mining.

7. Balinese bird of paradise

It is almost impossible to meet with them, because the birds of paradise live in secluded corners of the world. A pity, because they are so funny. For example, from time to time hang on branches upside down.

8. Kingfisher

They live near different reservoirs, including on rocky shores. With the help of long beaks, representatives of this species fish. Their booty kingfishers always start eating from the head - like real predators.

9. African Crowned Crane

Elegant bird with a gray body and white wings with golden tint. The head of the cranes is decorated with a golden corona-corolla, and on the cheeks a white "blush" is adorned. Meet representatives of this species can be found in the swamps of the African savanna, south of the Sahara desert.

10. Hoopoe

The bird is a symbol of Israel. Hoopoes are found on the territory of Africa and Eurasia. A distinctive feature of this species is the "crown" on the head.

11. Cotton heron

This long-legged bird is not easy to find, but if you are lucky enough to meet, you will certainly know it. Cotton heron has a yellow neck, a black cap and a bluish skin near the beak.

12. California Condor

In comparison with the other participants of this top Californian condor, maybe not so beautiful, but less impressive and exciting it does not look like that. The vulture is the largest bird in North America. The range of its wings is almost 3 meters. In the twentieth century, the population of California condors began to decline sharply. As of 2013, there are only 435 individuals in the world, of which only 237 live.

13. Peacock

Probably the most famous bird in this collection. Speaking frankly, peacocks can only be called males. Females look simpler - like the gray big chickens - and during the mating season, the grooms are judged by the beauty of the tails.

14. Quetzal

This species was found in the mountains of Central America. The feathers of the male quesales are painted green metallic, and on the breast they have a red spot. A distinctive feature of birds is a long developing tail, which can grow to a meter. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans considered the quetzales sacred animals.

15. Trachyphonus D'Arnaud

One of the 42 representatives of its kind. All trahyphonus live in Africa. Unlike most other birds that build nests on trees, this species settles in underground tunnels.

16. The Northern Cardinal

They usually live in snow-covered terrain. And since the northern cardinals do not change color depending on the season, they are quite easy to see on a white background. Consider their bright red feathers - a complete pleasure. If you were lucky enough to live in the north, and you want to see the cardinal, just make a feeder and put a few grains into it. Wonderful guests will not take long to wait.

17. A red-billed night bee-eater

It feeds on bees and other insects: wasps, hornets, flies. There are beefs, usually in the Indo-Malay region of South-East Asia. You can learn from bright red beards and long beaks.

18. The Golden Pheasant

It is also called a Chinese pheasant, because the birthplace of this bird is China. But they are also found in Britain and other countries. Males and females of gold pheasants differ. "Men" are brightly colored, on their heads - a yellow crest, tails are long. Female pheasants themselves look quite inconspicuous. Their plumage is pale gray with a brownish tint.

19. Lilac-breasted trochaicle

A bird-symbol of Kenya and Botswana. In the color of the caterpillar, shades of white, purple, black, turquoise, green, brown can be found. And how beautifully the males take care of the females, making exciting pirouettes in the air.

20. Inch-Inca

Torn monks have a mustache. Moreover, not only in males, but also in females. These funny birds live near the cold waters of the Humboldt Current. The terns settle on the coasts in groups of several thousand.

21. Brilliant painted malur

In ordinary life, the females and males of these birds differ little. But for the duration of the mating season, "the boys dress up" in bright azure blue feathers.

22. Multicolored Loriket

Dwells in the tropical forests of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Iridescent loricks are especially aggressive during mating and breeding. They do not allow birds of other species to settle near their nests and can even throw their chicks on the ground.

23. The Long-tailed Velvet Weaver

To date, there are three isolated populations of long-tailed velvet weavers: in Kenya, on the border of Angola and Zambia and in South Africa. These birds are also called black widows - for their plumage, which darkens only in the mating season. Like peacock, female velvet weavers choose their own pair for the longest and most beautiful tail.

24. The horned sundim

This species of hummingbird lives in the central and eastern part of Brazil. The bird's size varies from 9 to 11 cm, but it is impossible not to notice these crumbs - their bright green-yellow-black-blue plumage certainly strikes.

25. Blue-headed gorgeous bird of paradise

The bird of paradise of Wilson is unique. At least by the fact that this turquoise spot on the head is not feathers at all, but skin. Its coloring combines a crazy amount of different colors. More precisely in the coloration of males. Female, according to the same unfair tradition, look modestly. During the mating season, males do not just show off their feathers. An obligatory component of flirting is special marriage dances.