How to cook lamb?

This article is for those who have not encountered lamb before and do not know what and how to quickly cook from this type of meat. Many refuse to prepare various dishes from it, and to admit completely in vain. After all, from the pulp of a young lamb turns out an incredibly tasty shish kebab, and from meat to bone is a stunningly aromatic, rich and divinely delicious shurpa. Next, we will talk about all the nuances of cooking these dishes.

How correctly and tasty to cook shish kebab from mutton?



Lamb - meat with a specific taste and smell, which if desired can be neutralized by a successful set of seasonings and spices. To prepare a delicious shish kebab from this type of meat, it must be pre-marinated. Cut the washed and dried flesh into slices and put in a bowl for marinating. We add to the lamb a sharp adzhika, mustard powder, ground coriander and zir, and also we throw ground black and red pepper, cinnamon and turmeric, curry and hops-suneli. Garlic teeth clean, push through the press and also lay to the meat. We also add salt and carefully mix the meat with spices, salt and garlic, then gently rub them into slices.

Fill lamb now with tomato or pomegranate juice and leave for eight to ten hours. After a while, the liquid marinade base is drained, it can be used to make the sauce, boil on low heat until thickening, and lay the pre-cleaned meat, pre-peeled onion, cut with rings or half rings, and mix. We give mutton to marinate along with onions for a few more hours, after which we can proceed directly to frying shish kebab. String the slices on the skewer and fry on the coals until ready, periodically turning over.

How to cook a quick, tasty and odorless mutton scoop - recipe



To mutton shurpa turned out delicious and did not have a specific flavor and aroma inherent in lamb, meat should be soaked in milk beforehand. To do this, rinse the product, cut into portions slices, place it in a saucepan and fill it with whole milk for several hours. After a lapse of time, we wash the meat pieces, we dry and fry in a cauldron in a red-hot sunflower oil without fragrance, to a rich color on all sides. Now add the onion. It must be removed from the husks and cut into half rings. When the onion pieces get a golden hue and become soft, add the minced chopped garlic and fry another couple of minutes.

Now lay in the cauldron peeled and sliced ​​carrots and Bulgarian peppers, add crushed fresh tomatoes, add tomato paste and season the contents of the cassava with thyme and basil. We fill the meat with vegetables with boiling water, cover it with a lid, we reduce the heat after boiling and let the food for half an hour.

At the end, we put potatoes into a shurpa. It must be cleaned and cut into four or six longitudinal parts. We also add salt, a mixture of peppers and cook the dish to the softness of the potato slices.

When ready, we serve shurpa with fresh herbs.