Acute lymphadenitis

Acute lymphadenitis is a disease that affects the lymph nodes. Usually, the ailment is secondary. That is, it develops against other diseases of bacterial or viral origin.

Symptoms of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is the result of the activity of pathogens penetrating into the organs. It all starts with the appearance of swelling. In the acute form of the disease, the enlarged lymph nodes tend to be sore.

Characteristic for acute lymphadenitis symptoms can also be considered:

The appearance of unnatural shine on the skin is a very bad sign. This means that acute serous lymphadenitis has passed into a purulent form. The latter is characterized by more pronounced symptoms: the temperature reaches critical levels, the patient suffers from intoxication, his appetite disappears.

Treatment of acute lymphadenitis

First of all, it is necessary to determine what caused inflammation. Later, in parallel with the elimination of lymphadenitis symptoms, it will be necessary to deal with the primary disease:

  1. With painfully cope Analgin , Solpadein, Ketalong or Ketanov.
  2. Get rid of edema with Fenistila, Lorano, Suprastin and other antiallergic drugs.
  3. Sufficiently effective in acute lymphadenitis are compresses with ointment Vishnevsky or Levomekolem. These drugs accelerate the treatment of inflammation.
  4. If the disease was caused by bacteria, it will not be possible to do without antibiotics. The best in the fight against lymphadenitis have proven themselves Augmentin, Sumamed , Cefotaxime.
  5. Purulent forms are treated only surgically.
  6. Physiotherapeutic procedures are extremely useful.