Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration is a mini-operation, during which the extraction (suction) of the contents of the uterine cavity is carried out using a special vacuum suction. During vacuum aspiration, only the surface ball of the endometrium of the uterus is removed, its neck and walls are practically not damaged.

Vacuum aspiration in gynecology - the essence and purpose of the

In most women, the concept of "vacuum aspiration" is associated with an unwanted pregnancy, or rather with a certain technique of its interruption. Indeed, in gynecology this method is most often used to terminate pregnancy, but other purposes of its use are possible, in particular:

  1. Postpartum vacuum "cleaning". Vacuum aspiration after delivery is necessary in the case of poor contractile function of the uterus to remove blood clots and placental tissue.
  2. Vacuum "cleansing" after a dead pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. It is performed for the purpose of extracting the fetal egg (with ST) or its remains (with incomplete miscarriage).
  3. Therapeutic vacuum aspiration in inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity.
  4. Diagnostic vacuum aspiration of pathologically altered endometrium followed by its histological examination.

Vacuum aspiration is performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, after which the woman should be under supervision in a hospital for 1 hour.

Is it painful to vacuum suction? No. The procedure is practically painless, as it is done under local anesthesia. A woman can feel a slight aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Abortion by vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration ( mini-abortion ) of the contents of the uterine cavity is perhaps the safest and less traumatic method of aborting pregnancy from all that exists in our time. But such mini-abortions are effective only in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 5 weeks).

The most frequent question that gynecologists hear from their patients concerns the nature and duration of discharge after the vacuum aspiration procedure. A clear answer to it can not be given, since the abundance and duration of secretions directly depends on the period of pregnancy and other factors. But there are some "averaged" data.

Thus, sparse spotting spotting can be observed for several days after vacuum aspiration, then they acquire a serous or mucous nature. In some women, after a short break (2-5 days), more abundant menstrual bleeding resumes, the presence of which may be a variant of the norm, or may indicate post-abortion complications. Massive bleeding, yellowish discharge with putrefactive odor is an occasion to seek immediate medical attention.

The first after vacuum aspiration monthly usually begin in 30-35 days, a delay of 7 days is allowed. The menstrual cycle is established for several months.

Rehabilitation and possible complications after vacuum aspiration

The technique of vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity is relatively safe. Serious physical complications in most cases are not observed, long-term rehabilitation, as a rule, is not required. The most common complication is endometritis - inflammation of the uterine walls, and in case of termination of pregnancy - incomplete extraction of the fetal egg. In some cases, there are more serious consequences: uterine perforation , massive bleeding, pneumoembolism, infertility.

Restoration of the female body after vacuum aspiration occurs after one to two weeks. If the purpose of vacuum aspiration was the abortion, then as a rehabilitation the doctor will prescribe COC (Regulon, Novinet and others) for several menstrual cycles. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Prolonged absence of monthly aspiration after the procedure may indicate both a hormonal failure and a new conception (it is important to remember that a new pregnancy after vacuum aspiration can happen before the start of the first menstruation).