Traditions of Great Britain

We can say with confidence that the British, like no other nation, carefully and unswervingly adhere to their customs. After all, it allows them to preserve their identity, emphasize originality and honor their roots. "Trying" the inhabitants of Misty Albion is not so simple, but we will try to describe the main traditions of Britain.

  1. National character. The world is known for more than one century, the characteristic features of the British character: polite, but with it closed, restrained and even somewhat arrogant. They can maintain a leisurely conversation, but throughout its entire length, not a word to say about something personal. Stand out and such two glorious qualities of the British as self-control and subtle humor, and most often "black."
  2. Left side traffic. It is not without reason that Great Britain is called a country of traditions. While about 70% of the inhabitants of our planet travel on the right side of the street, the British, since 1756, prefer the left-hand traffic.
  3. They are true to the system of calculus . True conservatives, residents of the British Isles are extremely reluctant to adhere to the decimal system of measures. Among the unusual traditions in the UK, it is worth noting that here it is still preferred to measure distances in miles, yards, inches, liquids - pints, etc.
  4. Tea drinking is a ritual! One, probably, of the most famous national traditions of Great Britain is a tea party, which here is honored and held as a ritual since the XVII century. Negligent treatment of foreigners often bribes the British. Here, prefer to drink fine Chinese tea in the morning and during lunch (around 5 pm). They love "natives" to drink tea with milk, cream or without it, and they do not like tea and lemon they like. Tea drinking, as a rule, is accompanied by biscuits, cakes, sandwiches, toasts and unhurried conversation.
  5. The British love holidays. Despite the external restraint, the British love holidays. For example, one of the most important holidays and traditions of Great Britain is Christmas. Certainly everyone is in a hurry for a Christmas dinner with family or friends to taste Christmas dishes - stuffed turkey or roast goose, cranberry sauce, Christmas pudding. In addition, the country of Foggy Albion is fun celebrating the New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween and the Queen's Birthday. In addition, they like to organize festivals and sports competitions here.
  6. By dinner you should change the outfit! Some of the unusual traditions of the UK most civilized countries are already considered a relic. However, in the British Isles, it is still customary to change the outfit for dinner.
  7. Dressing customs. One of the amazing facts about the UK is that some institutions still wear suits or garments that originated in past centuries. So, for example, in prestigious Cambridge and Oxford students wear a mantle of the seventeenth century, the palace guards of the Tower are dressed in sumptuous suits from the time of the Tudors, judges and attorneys on hearing cases are certainly present in 18th-century wigs.
  8. Crows in the Tower. According to the traditions and customs of Great Britain, on the territory of the Tower of London , a whole dynasty of the so-called Black ravens is grown, which have taken root here since the middle of the 16th century. By the decree of King Charles II in the XVII century in the Tower must always be six adults. Even a special post was approved - the Ravensmaster, or the raven-keeper who takes care of the birds. And now there live 6 black ravens, named after the Celtic and Scandinavian gods. According to the old custom, if the crows leave the Tower, the monarchy will come to an end. That's why the wings are cut off by the birds.