Fukortzin for newborns

Very often, a drug such as fucorcin is found on the list of medications needed in the first-aid kit, but many mothers are not familiar with it and do not know when it is used.

In this article we will consider the composition of fucocine, indications and contraindications to its use for young children.

Composition of fucocine

Fukortsin is a medicinal preparation of antiseptic and antifungal action, produced in the form of alcoholic and aqueous solutions of bright crimson color.

The composition of 10 ml of the solution of fucocin includes the following components:

There is a colorless solution of fucocin, but because of the lack of fuchsin, which has a good antifungal effect, it will not be effective in treating the fungus.

Fukorcin: indications for use

This solution is applied only externally, so it can be used for infectious diseases, fungal lesions, purulent eruptions, diaper rash, abrasions, cracks and skin erosion. In addition to strong antimicrobial action, it well dried the skin, so fukortsin is also used for:

Apply the solution with a cotton bud or swab exactly on the affected skin from 2 to 5 times a day. After treatment with fucorcin, dried out skin is recommended to lubricate ointment for newborns or nutritious cream.

When chickenpox, which has a more powerful antimicrobial effect, fucocin in children also removes the sensation of itching. But because of the phenol entering into it, it should be applied point-wise and can not be applied on large areas of the skin, as this can cause poisoning of the body.

Some doctors recommend using fucocine for newborn babies with intertrigo candida, but it should be done very carefully.

Fukortsin: contraindications for use

This drug is not recommended for use when:

This is a very effective and affordable remedy for many skin problems, you should have in all first aid kits, but use it only after consulting a doctor.