The rights of the child in kindergarten

The end of spring - the beginning of summer - is the period of graduation in kindergartens. The kindergarten is a qualitatively new stage in the life of the toddlers, and moms who plan to drive their children to the DOW are anxiously awaiting these changes. Fear, concern, sadness and excitement are those emotions that parents of future kindergartners have to experience. However, not all parents know exactly what the child who visits kindergarten has the right to do.

The rights of the child in the pre-school

In general, in the kindergarten, the rights of the child are formed on the basis of the norms set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which almost all UN member countries have signed. In every power, in addition, the relevant codes and laws apply. In Russia, for example, it is the Family Code, the laws "On Education", "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child".

  1. The most important thing that worries parents is life and, of course, the health of their children. Legislative documents established that kindergarten is obliged to protect the life, health of the child. If the kindergarten does not have a nurse, a medical room, first-aid kits, then it is not necessary to talk about observing the guaranteed rights of the child in the DOW. Feel free to contact the appropriate authorities with a complaint!
  2. The main among the basic personal rights of the child is the right to develop creative, physical abilities, as well as the right to his education. It is for this reason that the implementation of the rights of the child in the Dow should be carried out with the help of developing classes. By the way, there is also the right to play, since kindergartners should develop comprehensively: creatively, mentally, physically. If this is not in the children's institution, then it can be argued that the basic rights of your child in the DOW are violated. The point is that when you come to a kindergarten for a baby, you can see him not playing, not walking, but sitting in front of a computer or television.
  3. Every child who visits the DOW has a guaranteed right to protection from any form of cruel anti-human treatment, which includes not only banal beatings, but also sexual, physical, emotional violence. Unfortunately, the protection of these very rights of children in the DOW is violated more often than others, therefore, in any suspicion without delay, react accordingly!
  4. Another right is to protect the needs and interests of children in the garden. Teachers during working hours should not entertain themselves on the Internet, read their books or communicate with colleagues. No request of the baby, whether it is helping in the toilet or wiping his hands with a towel, should not be ignored.
  5. The child's organism needs adequate, high-quality and high-grade nutrition, therefore parents should monitor the strict observance of the right to adequate nutrition in the pre-school .

It is worth noting that the right to a kindergarten can oblige parents to fulfill certain rules of a particular pre-school. So, some kindergartens are strictly on schedule, so a latecomer may not be allowed into the group.

Child Rights Protection

It is parents who are the controlling body, which is obliged to monitor the observance of the rights of their baby in the DOW. When choosing a kindergarten is sure to check the professionalism of the staff, interview the friends whose children visit it, read reviews about the institution on the thematic forums. If the child is already a kindergarten, constantly be interested in changes in the daily routine and regime, programs and standards. You can even make a proposal for organizing games on the rights of the child to the members of the parent committee.

If you have any questions that require intervention, first write a statement to the kindergarten manager. If you do not take appropriate measures, contact the police or other child protection authorities.

Learn to uphold the rights of your preschoolers!