Delay of monthly 2 days

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle and menstrual cycles come on time, then there is no cause for concern. However, often there are failures in the female body. If there was a delay in menstrual period of 2 days, the reasons may be different:

The first thought that arises in women in the event of a delay in menstruation even for two days is the opportunity to be pregnant. Since delay is the first sign of determining pregnancy, a delay of 2 days gives the woman the opportunity to make a pregnancy test. A positive test result can be obtained immediately on the first day of the delay, since in the presence of pregnancy the level of hCG grows exponentially.

In a separate group, you can identify the medical reasons for which a woman's period may be absent:

In addition to the absence of menstruation, a woman may exhibit the following symptoms if she has delayed a period of 2 days:

In some cases, a slight increase in body temperature to 37 degrees is possible.

What if the woman has a delay of 2 days?

Excretions from the genitourinary organs of a transparent color are the norm and do not require urgent medical attention. However, if they have a different shade, a woman has pain in the lower abdomen during the period of her supposed monthly period, then she should consult a doctor, as this may indicate possible inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

If a test is made to determine the level of hCG in urine and it showed a negative result, it does not indicate absence of pregnancy. It is possible that ovulation occurred later, and not in the middle of the cycle and a fairly high level of hCG, which can be diagnosed by tests, just had not time to gain. A repeated pregnancy test after a few days will give an accurate result.

However, it is worth remembering that the true delay of the monthly is considered to be 5 days or more. And the full menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 45 days, which is also the norm. Therefore, if a woman has a delay of two days, but nothing disturbs her, do not immediately run to the doctor for an appointment or buy up pregnancy tests at the pharmacy. It is necessary to observe your condition for several days and only in the case of an ongoing lack of monthly test or visit a gynecologist.