Tsvetotype summer

As you already know, for sure, there are four conventional color types of appearance: winter, spring, summer and autumn. In this article we will consider the features of one of them - the color-type summer. The general characteristic of it is as follows:

If on the body of the representative of the color-type summer there are moles, freckles or birthmarks, they have an ashy shade, but not yellowish-brown or red.

70% of Slavs - the embodiment of the color-type summer.

"Summer" coloring

Each color type of appearance is divided into species - colors. In turn, depending on the color of the hair, skin and eyes, the summer colorotype can be divided into three subspecies: light, contrast, natural color.

Bright color is represented by girls with a light-blond hair color with an ashy tinge. Their skin is light beige or pink, and their eyes are gray-blue. Sunburn falls badly, often almost immediately there is burning.

Contrasting color implies bright blue eyes, dark-brown hair of different ash colors and ivory skin. When dosing sunbathing, tanning falls evenly, but usually for a short while.

Natural color is gray-blue, hazel, sometimes, greenish eyes (can be with yellow impregnations), medium-blond hair, pinkish-beige or light olive skin. The color summer with olive skin is especially good for sunburn.

General principles of make-up for color-type summer

The most important rule when applying make-up for girls with color-type is summer - one of two: either brightly selected eyes or lips. Also, in any make-up, try to keep the skin matte. Do not use liquid shadows, liquid blush. Avoid using colored mascara. Black mascara can be advantageously replaced by blue-black or dark-gray. If you chose a saturated lipstick, do not overdo it with blush, and vice versa. The general standard for make-up of the summer color - matte saturated cold colors (smoky pastel shades, lipstick deep pink shades). Otherwise, your species will be too provocative, so it is not worth it. A summer girl can afford to experiment in makeup more than representatives of other color types. Fantasize, however, do not forget about general advice, and you will look irresistible.

A successful color palette for summer colors of clothes

To determine which colors are suitable for summer coloring in clothing, you need to pay attention to the features of choosing a color range for make-up. Bright, screaming colors for color-type summer are categorically not suitable. It should be a cool "dusty" color scale. You can use shades of almost all colors, but if they are muffled or grayish raid is caught. The most suitable colors for the color-type summer are dark blue (not bright), greyish-brown hues and shades from grayish pink to muted purple. But pure white and black should be avoided.

Of the most appropriate jewelry will be Products made of silver, white gold and platinum.

What color of hair dye is more suitable for summer color?

Many representatives of summer color type consider their natural hair color too faded and inconspicuous - mouse. But do not take risks and repaint your hair in warm shades. All you need is just to deepen your ash color, make it more saturated. Most advantageous will be the melioration or complex coloring using tones a little lighter. But, strands must necessarily be cold, for example platinum. Yellowness should be avoided.

The girl-summer hair color in too dark solid color will make her skin gray and significantly age. So it's better to stay within the limits of your natural color and avoid cardinal changes.