Turkish breed of domestic cats

Want to have an intelligent and graceful pet in your house with a complaisant character? Turkish cat - the perfect companion for you!

Turkish van - features of cats

This breed was not artificially produced, but was formed due to harsh living conditions near Lake Van. The Turkish breed of cats has a long white coat with brown-red markings at the tail, on the trunk and on the head. The nose is white.

A feature of Vans is the love of water, so bathing will not be a torture for either you or the animal. Due to their love for swimming, they have a flexible and agile body, paws are strong, the body is muscular, the tail is of medium size. The average weight is 3-5.5 kg. With regard to care, you will often have to comb the hair, especially during molting. Vans are not lovers, so they are taken in their arms. It is not easy to accustom an adult to the hands, so start doing it from an early age.

These animals can be considered persistent and require attention. Many experts note that the nature of such a pet more like a dog, that is, he needs an active lifestyle and exercise. Good get along with all the residents of the house, including children and other animals.

Turkish Angora breed of cats

These long-haired beauties appeared in Ankara (Angara). Most of all are revered snow-white individuals with different in color eyes: one - blue, the second - amber. In the East, these animals are a symbol of happiness and well-being.

They are proportionally proportioned: the shoulders are developed, the neck is slender, the paws are long, the loin is strong, the tail is long. They have quite large dimensions (up to 6 kg), while remaining flexible and graceful during movements.

A representative of the Angora breed of cats will become a faithful companion, following on the heels. The character is kind and playful. The animal demands attention through a deep rumbling sound. Such a cat is not deprived of intelligence, quickly adapt to open doors or turn on lights. Toys and scribbling are necessary if you do not want your furniture to become the subject of pet fun. In good shape, balanced nutrition will help. Care is not difficult, however, during the moult period, wool will cover almost all available surfaces. To minimize the loss of long hair, more often comb out the animal.