Street lights for a country house

The issue of lighting the site just seems simple. Buy beautiful street lights a little, will also have to solve the issue of functionality for a country house, installation and uniformity of light. That's why we'll have to plan the location of each lamp and deal with the laying of communications and the breakdown of the site at the same time.

Street lights for a country house and their purpose

To begin with, any home lighting is sent either to the security or decorative lighting group, it is also called functional. The second type is needed for security and consists of lighting arbor, paths, perimeter of the site. As for decorative lighting, it only complements the compositions on the flower beds , decorates the pool and other areas.

But by appointment and its appearance all street lights we will divide into:

At present, you will find all kinds of lamps for street lighting from fluorescent to "halogen". But for street lighting of a private house, LED lights are in demand. And such popularity is quite justified. The fact is that LED lights have a high efficiency, the luminous flux of them is clean and monochrome, and for street lighting in a private house is an ideal solution. However, the main advantage is low energy consumption.

Tips for using street lights for a country house

Regardless of whether you are buying street wall lights for a country house, or installing lamps on stands, there are several principles for approaching this issue.

  1. First, let us touch upon the question of ergonomics. In pursuit of the amount you risk pour your site with light and at the same time get the opposite effect, and even with a blow to your family budget. That is why it is necessary to arrange the lights in such a way as to divide the lighting into zones, while hiding the most inconspicuous areas.
  2. Accents are made on the house, a couple of the most successful elements of the landscape. All the lights are selected taking into account the chosen style of arrangement. This is not only the design of the lamp itself, but also selected areas for lighting. Classics assumes symmetrically located objects of illumination, for modern style usually use a cold light stream and asymmetry. Remember that cold light visually detaches the object, yellow - will bring it closer.
  3. The so-called depth of illumination is achieved by a competent choice of light flux. For the foreground, this will be a muted diffused light, the middle is usually obscured, and the background is flooded with uniform light. Then your site and house will be harmoniously and effectively decorated.