The rabbit has diarrhea, what to do - practical care recommendations

Decorative rabbits have recently become popular pet favorites, but they need to be carefully looked after, as they can often get sick. It is important to know what to do if the rabbit has diarrhea, as this is a dangerous symptom and if not treated, the animal can die.

Diarrhea in rabbits - causes

Many owners of eared pets believe that indigestion is not a serious problem and do not pay attention to it, thus making a mistake. There are a number of reasons that explain why rabbits have diarrhea:

  1. In most cases, the whole problem lies in poor quality food, for example, in stale food. To provoke diarrhea can be a surplus of fruits and vegetables in the menu. Especially dangerous are foods that contain a lot of starch and protein.
  2. Failures in the digestive system occur as a result of the transferred stress, for example, because of moving or abrupt food changes.
  3. If rabbits have diarrhea, then before deciding what to do and what are the possible causes, it is worth pointing out that diarrhea can be caused by worms in the animal's body. Another ailment provokes problems with the teeth, with the work of the genitourinary system and other abnormalities.

Diarrhea in small rabbits

Particular attention should be given to young individuals, since they have diarrhea more often than others. This happens in most cases up to two months, so buying eared animals is better to choose older animals. You should know why the rabbit has a loose stool:

  1. A common cause is early weaning of young animals from their mother. This is due to the fact that the digestive system is still poorly adapted to conventional food. If a new product is added to the baby's diet, the risk of diarrhea increases substantially.
  2. Provoke a malfunction in the digestive system can coccidiosis . To treat such a disease will have an antibiotic. If this is not done, the baby will die from dehydration.

The rabbit has diarrhea and it pulls the hind legs

Many will be surprised by the fact that a rare stool can cause the eared to give up limbs. It is important to immediately consult a doctor and not allow the formation of feces of blood. Paralysis and liquid stool in a rabbit arises due to improperly selected nutrition, vitamin deficiency, the presence of harmful bacteria and infections in the body. Another problem arises from the jamming of nerve endings, injuries and vertebral hernia.

The rabbit has bloating and diarrhea

In some cases, owners of eared animals observe in their pets and such unpleasant symptoms as diarrhea and swelling. In a conventional or decorative rabbit, diarrhea and bloating can be triggered by dehydration, stress, and a shortage in the diet of coarse fibers necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. Disease of the abdomen or as it is called tympania, occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or taking antibiotics.

Diarrhea in rabbits - treatment and prevention

When a diarrhea is detected in your pet, it is important to try to determine the diagnosis as soon as possible and improve the conditions of detention. There are tips on how to treat a loose stool in a rabbit:

  1. Immediately clean the cage to remove the feces in which there are viable microbes that are dangerous to the animal. If necessary, wash the animal and be sure to put clean water. It is recommended to pay attention to the color, odor and consistency of the stool and if it has a strong odor or impurities of mucus, then it must be collected and must be taken for analysis.
  2. If the problem is provoked by food poisoning, then from the diet immediately harvested vegetables, greens and fruits. Give the rabbit can only hay and granulated dry food.

Treatment of diarrhea in rabbits at home

When there was no opportunity to buy medicines, people used folk recipes, many of which have reached to this day. It is best to combine such treatment with medications. If the rabbit has diarrhea and you do not know what to do, it is recommended to stop on such recipes:

  1. Bloodroot. In 200 ml of boiling water, put 1 tbsp. herbs and insist before cooling. The rabbit is poured into the mouth for 1 tsp. It is better for this purpose to use a syringe without a needle.
  2. Pharmaceutical camomile. It is worth finding out what to do if the rabbit has a bloating and a loose stool. In this case, brew the chamomile in the usual way (the recipe is on the package). The result is a light yellow solution. Give his rabbit three times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. Duration of treatment - 10 days.
  3. Oak bark. Describing the scheme, what to do with diarrhea, it is worth noting that with such a disease there is severe dehydration, so the pet must be forcibly watered. In drinking water, it is recommended to add a decoction of oak bark.
  4. You can include in the diet of rabbit grass, which have an astringent effect, for example, yarrow, bitter wormwood and burdock.

What to give rabbits for diarrhea?

If a similar problem occurs, it is important to start treatment immediately, because severe dehydration can cause the death of the animal. To understand how to treat diarrhea in rabbits, it is better to contact the veterinarian to get the right medications. More often the doctor recommends to choose such means:

  1. "Linex" is an effective tool that normalizes the intestinal flora, saturating it with bacteria. Give the rabbit in the morning and evening for 0.5 capsules.
  2. Activated carbon recommends the use in emergency cases. Give the animal requires 1/4 h. Tablets. It is first ground, and then dissolved in boiled water.
  3. It is important to understand what to do with complex forms of diarrhea, so the veterinary drug "Baytril" gives good results. It is injected subcutaneously into the withers area. Dosage calculate this: for 1 kg of weight you need 0.1 ml of the drug. First dilute the product in 1 ml of saline. To help the rabbit, injections should be taken three times a day.

Prevention of diarrhea in rabbits

There are a number of recommendations that will help prevent problems with the digestive system. If a rabbit has diarrhea, it is worth considering not only what to do, but also in prevention methods.

  1. In the diet should not be too much fruit and cereals.
  2. You do not need to experiment with the menu, including exotic and unusual for his intestinal products in the rabbit menu.
  3. In order not to touch rabbit disease, diarrhea and other problems with the digestive system, it is necessary to keep the cell clean. If the dwelling is unsanitary, then the bacteria will enter the food. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the water.
  4. Before you give vegetables vegetables and fruits, they must be thoroughly washed.