Sinusitis in children - symptoms

Genyantritis is a fairly common disease in children, in which the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses takes place. As a rule, the symptoms of sinusitis in children are manifested due to the complication of infectious diseases. Of course, the frequent causes of this disease are also congenital or acquired anatomical features of the nasal canals, persistent colds and the presence of polyps.

Classification of sinusitis in children

It should be noted that a small child due to the physiological structure of the nose and sinuses, most often there may be bilateral sinusitis, which affects both sinuses of the nose, less often - one-sided.

In addition, depending on the course of the disease, sinusitis in children is divided into:

Types of sinusitis, depending on the morphological changes:

How to determine sinusitis in a child?

Sinusitis in children before the year is difficult to identify, because they can not accurately explain what feelings are experienced and what exactly hurts. But, there are a number of signs that should alert the caring parents. If they develop, you should consult a doctor to determine the exact diagnosis.

Symptoms of sinusitis in children

Treatment of sinusitis in children

As a rule, treatment for children is assigned a complex, which includes local procedures, taking medications, as well as actions aimed at strengthening immunity. During treatment, for 7-10 days the child must comply with bed rest or inpatient treatment.

Methods of treatment

  1. Carrying out physiotherapy procedures, using drops, as well as taking medications, the main group of which in the treatment of sinusitis in children are antibiotics.
  2. Increasingly, they prefer to treat sinusitis in children with homeopathy. This method uses drugs that are made on the basis of natural components, they have almost no contraindications and side effects, and therefore are safe even for the youngest patients.
  3. To remove mucus and the microbes contained in it, the nose and sinus sinuses are washed.
  4. In the most extreme cases, surgical treatment is used. This method is used to remove accumulated pus, by performing a puncture, and injecting anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis in children

Preventative measures are very simple and are to strengthen the body, as well as the immunity of the child. In addition, timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases is necessary. In case there are anatomical features of the nasal canals, such as artesia, synechiae in the nasal cavity or curvature of the septum, they should be eliminated. Of course, regular wet cleaning and airing of rooms contributes not only to the healthy development of your child, but also is a preventive method of sinusitis.