Vacuum pump for pumping sewerage

For the opportunity to depend minimally on neighbors to the inhabitants of private houses, you have to pay the necessity to take in your own hands the solution of all domestic issues. So, for example, they have to deal with sewerage , in particular, by pumping it. Most often, the problem of evacuation is solved by using a special vacuum pump.

Principle of operation of the vacuum pump

Let us dwell in more detail on how the vacuum pump works. Vacuum pump for pumping sewage, as, indeed, any other kind of vacuum pump works on the principle of displacement. Pumping of water or gas vapors occurs in such pumps as a result of a change in the dimensions of the working chamber and subsequent pressure drop in them. If you do not go into the technical details, the operating principle of any vacuum pump is reduced to fulfilling the main condition: reducing the pressure in the working chamber in a short period of time. As soon as the pressure in the chamber reaches the required level, the molecules of the pumped substance (be it gas, water or sewage from the sewage system) will rush in the given direction.

Types of vacuum pumps

Depending on how the vacuum is created in the pump, the household vacuum pumps are divided into:

  1. Vortical , the vacuum in which arises due to the rotation of a flat disk with blades. Such pumps are characterized by good performance, but are not suitable for pumping sewage, since they are quite demanding for the content of impurities in the water.
  2. Vibrational , the vacuum in which arises under the action of an electromagnetic field.
  3. Centrifugal , which pumped out water under the influence of the centrifugal force resulting from the rotation of the blades of the impeller. It is the centrifugal vacuum pumps that are most often used for pumping sewers.

It is also necessary to distinguish between drainage and fecal vacuum pumps for pumping sewerage. Drainage pumps are designed for pumping and pumping slightly soiled sewage, in which there are no large solid particles. The feces are intended for pumping out thicker effluents, in which viscous and solid substances can be found. In order to protect the faecal pumps from breakage, which can occur as a result of work in such difficult conditions, they are equipped with special shredders.

Depending on the installation method, submersible pumps and surface pumps for sewage suction are distinguished. Buy a submersible faecal pump is only when it is planned to use it for a long time at a single point - for example, for pumping a septic tank or a cesspool. If there is a need for a more universal device, it is better to buy a surface pump, which, if necessary, can be pumped out of the basement or used for watering the garden.

Characteristics of vacuum pumps

When choosing a household vacuum pump for pumping sewage, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Performance - the amount of fluid that a pump is able to pass through itself in a unit of time. For the domestic faecal pump, the optimum performance is at the level of 25 cubic meters per hour.

The head is the value indicating from what depth the pump is capable of raising the faecal waters. When selecting, it is necessary to correlate this parameter with the depth of laying of sewer pipes and the location of the septic tank. Each meter of lifting is equal to one meter of pumping sewage along the vertical.