Planting carrots for the winter

Planting carrots under the winter of many seems a risky venture. Let's see if this is so.

Is it possible to plant carrots for the winter?

Of course, especially since landing for the winter spares a lot of trouble, which necessarily accompanies the planting of carrots in the early spring.

In favor of sowing carrots under winter, and the fact that sprouts begin to appear already at a temperature of +3 + 4 ° C, and able to withstand frosts up to -4 ° C. If you sow correctly, you can get an early harvest.

But not every carrot can withstand such temperature changes, there are special varieties of carrots for the winter.

Which carrot to plant for the winter?

The most common varieties are:

  1. Nantes-4. Very tasty and cold-resistant variety, it grows well not only on fertile soil, but also in more difficult conditions. Since the appearance of the first shoots before the harvest, only 2 months will pass.
  2. Shantane-2461. Less sweet variety, ripens not so fast as Nontian carrots, but perfectly tolerates not only the cold, but also the lack of the necessary amount of water.
  3. Unparalleled. Carrots of this variety contain a large amount of carotene, but it sings long enough. A little more than 125 days have passed since the emergence of the shoots.
  4. Vitamin 6. The pulp of the carrot vitamin 6 is very juicy and sweet, with a high content of carotene. Ripens quickly, gives a great harvest.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya-13. It has an increased resistance to colds, has a tender and very juicy pulp.
  6. NIIOh336. Long stored, yields a high yield.
  7. Moscow winter. A traditional variety of carrots for most central regions of Russia.

How to plant carrots for the winter?

Half of the success depends on the correct seeding location:

If the seeds manage to germinate before the onset of stable colds, then all the sprouts will die, so it's best to plant the carrots in a slightly frozen soil, for example, at the end of November. And the preparation of the soil itself is best finished before mid-October.

To begin with, the soil is cleaned of plant residues and deep plowing is carried out. During plowing, fertilizers are applied: per square meter of soil - 2 kg of overgrown pus, 25 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt.

If the soil is not loose, but heavy, semi-decomposed sawdust is introduced into it (the fresh ones will only spoil the layer).

Then the site must be pierced, cut the ridges and make grooves. This procedure is carried out on wet soil in October. The grooves should be deep (4-5 cm).

Prepared in this way the soil should stand until the most frost.

Since in October rains still go on in many areas, the furrows are covered with film, otherwise the water will wash them.

The main rule for sowing carrots for the winter is to sow only dry seeds. If this principle is violated, carrots can germinate early and die from the cold. You can sow radish together with carrots or lettuce - these crops rise earlier and in the spring designate the arrangement of the beds.

The ridges are covered with dry warm earth, peat and humus.

Some common tips on how to plant carrots for the winter:

  1. If the soil is poor, then it is possible to carry out a nitrogen fertilizer: 15-20 g / m2.
  2. In the spring, when the snow comes down, and the soil begins to dry out, you can walk on the surface of the ripper.
  3. Pest control can be started 15 days after emergence.