Why do muscles ache?

The medical name of a condition in which pain in the muscle fibers is felt is myalgia. In some cases, it is associated with physical stress, for example, after intensive training in the gym, and eventually passes by itself. But there are more serious causes of this pathology. Therefore, before embarking on the treatment of the syndrome, it is necessary to find out why muscles ache, what circumstances preceded the onset of discomfort, to check for the presence of concomitant symptoms.

Why do muscles ache with flu and colds?

Infection with infection, both viral and bacterial, is associated with the multiplication in the body of pathogenic cells or microbes. In the process of life and growth, they release toxic products that poison blood and lymph. With biological fluids, toxic compounds enter the soft tissues and muscle fibers, damaging them.

Thus, myalgia in ARVI and ARI is due to the syndrome of intoxication of the body.

Why can all the muscles of the body ache for no apparent reason?

If the occurrence of discomfort is not accompanied by increased physical activity or infection with an infectious disease, the causes of the pathology are the following:

Why, after training, do muscles ache for a long time?

The described problem often occurs in beginners, but professional sportsmen sometimes face it. The causes of myalgia after training are only two:

  1. Too much workload. If there is insufficient preliminary warming up of the muscles or working with an excessive amount of additional weight, the muscle fibers are damaged and micro-ruptures are formed. In the process of healing of tissues, there is a pain syndrome.
  2. Isolation of lactic acid. Prolonged contraction of muscle fibers is accompanied by the production of this substance. Lactic acid leads to an increase in cells in volume, which, in turn, provokes squeezing of nerve endings and the appearance of pain.