Salad with sausage - the most simple and unusually delicious snack recipes for every day

Salad with sausage - a universal cold snack. For him, there is no need to specially boil meat components, so for a cook this dish is a real find and a time saving. In addition, sausages are very fond of children, so they can easily be fed with such a salad.

What salad can be cooked with sausage?

Sausage salads are convenient and successful because, as a rule, components for them do not require cooking. Sausage replaces, as a rule, meat in a dish. From a minimal set of products, you can almost always make a delicious salad with sausage, which will appeal to children, who are easy to treat unexpectedly unexpected guests. You can make several types of similar dishes:

  1. Sausage is well combined with any vegetables - cabbage, paprika, cucumber.
  2. Nourishing salads are obtained from sausage with the addition of crackers, beans or other legumes.
  3. Salads with pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, Korean carrots can be filled with oil, so that such dishes can become an excellent substitute for mayonnaise salads on festive tables.

Classic salad "Olivier" with sausage - a simple recipe

Traditional salad salad with boiled sausage has almost become the hallmark of any feast. Prepare "Olivier" for everyday dinners, but on holiday, almost everyone is looking for a salad on the table. Vegetables should be cooked each in a separate bowl. If there is a machine that cuts into cubes, it will make the dish more beautiful and shorten the cooking time. Salt in the salad "Olivier" with sausage can not be added, because pickled cucumbers themselves are salty.



  1. Boil the carrots, potatoes, eggs. Cut these ingredients and put them in a bowl.
  2. Add the chopped sausage.
  3. Peas washed and add to the dish.
  4. Finely chopped cucumbers add to the last.
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise to taste. If desired, you can put in the "Olivier" and fresh onions.

Salad with beans and sausage

A rich salad with beans and smoked sausage is ideal for a festive dinner in the cold season. Beans itself is very nutritious, so you can eat such a salad as the main dish. In order not to harm the figure, instead of mayonnaise, you can use olive oil. Beans in a can can be replaced with boiled string beans.



  1. Sausage the sausage with a thin long straw. Add to it boiled sliced ​​eggs.
  2. Onions and carrots grate, fry. Put in a salad bowl.
  3. Add the beans and grated garlic. Pour oil.

Salad with cabbage and sausage

Elemental in the preparation of salad with cabbage and smoked sausage requires from the cook only 10 minutes of work. After all, the products for it do not need to cook and fry, but you only need to cut them. If we cut the sausage into strips of straw, like cabbage, it will be more beautiful. Seasoning is best done with mayonnaise, but you can also use yogurt or butter.



  1. Cut cabbage with straws, salt and grind.
  2. Add to it the chopped sausage.
  3. Garlic finely grate and add to a bowl.
  4. Decorate the salad with sausage and cabbage with parsley.

Salad "Obzhorka" with sausage and crackers

The most simple and fast in cutting is a salad with sausage and croutons. He is very fond of children, because the dish has everything that they like - sausage and crispy crackers. You can vary the recipe with fried carrots and onions, and for use and intensifying the brightness of the taste, sometimes fresh celery is added.



  1. Sausage and cucumbers cut into small cubes.
  2. Mix with mayonnaise. After adding rusks (already before serving).
  3. Garnish with greenery.

Salad "Venice" - recipe with sausage

Salad with Korean carrots and sausages with a beautiful name "Venice" attracts by the fact that for him nothing needs to be pre-cooked. You can take crackers with a taste of cheese, or you can put grated cheese in the yawn. To make the dish turned out juicier, you can add a fresh cucumber. From crackers can be refused (this applies to those who watch the figure and avoid flour).



  1. Sausage cut into strips, mixed with carrots, corn.
  2. Cover with mayonnaise and mix.
  3. Before serving, put the croutons in a salad and stir again.

Salad "Solomka" with corn and sausage

Appetizing salad with corn and sausage attracts what is done without the addition of mayonnaise, and therefore low-calorie. At the same sausage adds satiety. Some people put a fresh cucumber or boiled egg. The ingredients are cut strictly in strips, therefore the corresponding name. Cabbage can be taken from Beijing, or it can be a simple white-bodied.



  1. Cut the sausage with straws, chop finely cabbage. Put everything in a bowl.
  2. Add the corn by draining the water beforehand.
  3. Sprinkle a salad with cabbage and sausage , decorate with greens.

Salad with sausage and tomatoes

If the guests suddenly appeared on the doorstep, and there is nothing to treat, you can quickly make a quick salad with smoked sausage and tomatoes. In addition to these two main components, you can add other greens and vegetables (paprika, cucumbers), mushrooms, boiled eggs. Instead of mayonnaise, lettuce can be poured with sour cream, chopped garlic and olive oil (Berlin sauce).



  1. All components are cut and mixed in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour mayonnaise or other sauce to choose from.

Salad with mushrooms and sausage

An unusual refined taste is a salad with mushrooms and sausage, because it contains white wine. Sausage is better to choose softer, more damp, then the dish will get a more intense taste. Mushrooms are better to take fresh, but not purchased, they are more fragrant. Wine is most suitable for cooking dry.



  1. Finely chopped onion, along with chopped mushrooms.
  2. Pour the wine into the frying pan and allow it to evaporate.
  3. Cool and mix with diced sausage.
  4. Add greens and spices to your salad with sausage to choose from.

Pancake salad with smoked sausage

Pancake salad with sausage - an interesting solution for the hostess. Only two of the components can make an interesting unusual food. Egg pancakes can be purchased at the store, but you can do it yourself. Eggs should be given cold water before cooking. Food can be varied at will and other products, for example, a pancake salad with sausage and cheese, corn, cucumbers, red pepper leaves.



  1. Eggs mixed with salt, starch, water, beat.
  2. Pour the mixture into a heated frying pan and fry well on both sides.
  3. After cooling the pancakes, cut them into strips. Cut the sausage with straws too.
  4. You can make both ordinary and puffed salad with sausage and egg pancakes.