Visceral therapy

Visceral therapy is a long-standing method of treating internal organs, which was used even in Ancient Rus.

Translated from the Latin language, the word "visceral" means "referring to internal organs", and in Russian there is an analogue of this name - "belly correction".

The concept of visceral therapy

At the heart of visceral therapy is the idea that the position of the organs in the abdominal cavity changes during breathing and natural movements, which can lead to certain pathologies. Since the organs of the abdominal cavity are a system, the links of the system have their own, nature-destined place, and when their position changes, it can lead to illnesses - a malfunction of the system.

The direction of visceral therapy is to put the organs into place with the tactile method. In general terms, a specific massage with a mass of nuances is performed, as visceral effects differ much from conventional massage, because massage is warming up tissues, eliminating stagnant processes, and visceral action implies a cautious change in the position of the organ.

Given this, it can be concluded without difficulty that the visceral specialist should have an accurate knowledge of the properties of the organs (not to mention the knowledge of the structure of the abdominal cavity and the position of the organs in it), sensitive hands that can control the force of pressure, and the history of visceral therapy. Such high demands led to the fact that in modern conditions the technique could not exist without a strong theoretical basis, and therefore she had an associate - Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov, who made the method of visceral therapy more modern and safe.

Visceral therapy Ogulova - a modern look at the ancient technique

According to the modern method of visceral therapy, there is a perception that the normal position of the internal organs can change due to inflammation or chronic fatigue. This situation leads to the fact that in the organs there is a spasm of blood vessels, and therefore insufficient amounts of nutrients and oxygen enter the tissues. The same leads to a violation of cellular renewal, and the body, not cleared in time from the products of its vital activity, is poisoned. Violation of the work of one body leads to the violation of others, because they take on the hard work. This vicious circle promises to break the visceral therapy.

Conducting visceral therapy leads to the following processes:

Visceral manual therapy - features of the

The specialist performs the procedure with the help of hands. Today there are three techniques for influencing organs:

  1. Pressing action around the organs.
  2. Movement of internal organs.
  3. Massage to fix the position of the body.

One session can be conducted from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The specialist, based on the patient's data, analyzes the weakened organ and adjusts the position of the organ with the help of pressing, tapping and shifting movements. In this case, the effect on the body itself is not carried out - only the space around the organs is massaged. All the actions of a specialist are strictly consistent - first he prepares the organ for movement, then "moves" it, and then fixes its position.

Indications for visceral abdominal therapy:

Contraindications to visceral therapy according to the method of Ogulov: