Organization of the workplace

It's no secret that it is the rational organization of the workplace that can save considerable time , and importantly, make your work more efficient. And it does not matter, it's about the schoolboy 's desk or office employee - both will benefit if, speaking in official language, the organization and equipment of the workplace are at the highest level.

Rules for the organization of the workplace

Usually the leaders of large companies take care that the organization of workplaces at the enterprise was at the highest level. This allows you not to worry about how efficiently employees spend their time. However, not only the organization of the workplace of an office worker plays such a role: you can also arrange a "study" at home to work comfortably in it. There are not too many recommendations here:

  1. The first requirement for the organization of a workplace is the absence of foreign objects. If you need a desk for work, then there should be absolutely nothing on it that would distract you or lead you to unnecessary reasoning. First of all, free your table from various rubbish - statuettes, unnecessary papers, old accounts and all that is irrelevant for the upcoming work.
  2. The second rule of labor organization in the workplace is the presence of everything needed at arm's length. Distribute all necessary so that the time you spend in order to reach and use this or that subject was minimal. For right-handers it is necessary to maximally accommodate everything you need on the right side of the table, for left-handers - with the left.
  3. The third rule - even if you use some documentation periodically, do not store it directly on the table. It is better to use different stands, so that you always have a small corner of space, there was a place under the elbows and papers that you are working on now, or for the keyboard, if you work with it.
  4. The fourth rule is that your place should be well lit. Ideally, if there is a window near the table a daylight lamp, which should turn on immediately, as soon as natural light is not enough. In order to work is not reflected negatively on your eyesight, the interior fits perfectly in light colors.
  5. The fifth rule is that the room should be well ventilated. No valuable thought will stay in your head if the air is stale and you can hardly breathe. It is important that foreign smells do not penetrate into the workplace, whether it is the aroma of food or tobacco smoke. This, too, can be regarded as distractions.

Observing such simple rules, you will make your workplace comfortable and comfortable, and most importantly - will be assembled and effective in it.

Workplace organization scheme: details

If you consider the organization of the workplace in more detail, then you should consider a lot of factors. For example, the fact that the light must fall either exactly from above, or from the left (for right-handed people), so as not to interfere with the writing of the text. Even the basic work is done on the computer, it still remains a very important rule.

It is important to take into account the distance from the batteries of heating systems - they should not be too close to not overdry the air and cause respiratory problems (this is especially true for the cold season).

The chair and the table should be combined not by design, but by height. The most important thing in the workplace is its convenience. Ideally, if you use a chair, the height of which can be adjusted.

In order to save the sight, it is worth to choose the matte surface of the table and the soft wallpaper. Modern tables assume not only a sitting place, but also a standing one, and this is an excellent option for those who have to work hard.