Gas injections

Gas injections are a method of treatment during which carbon dioxide CO2 is injected under the skin. This method of mesotherapy was invented back in the 30s of the last century and is still widely used in Europe, especially in the Czech Republic and Germany. More recently, pneumopuncture has become popular in the CIS countries.

What is the therapy?

Many are not trusted to gas injections, as the very wording "the introduction of carbon dioxide under the skin" can alert. But we are in a hurry to reassure all women, the fact that CO2 is introduced by means of a special portable device that independently maintains the necessary volume and pressure of the gas. In this case, the technique guarantees no errors during the process, which means that the procedure is absolutely safe. But it causes discomfort, at first the patient experiences quite unpleasant sensations:

Fortunately, this does not last long, and discomfort disappears without a trace.

Indications for the procedure

Pneumopuncture (gas injections) is a cosmetic procedure, therefore, and indications in the first place to it are aesthetic changes in the body:

But among the indications for the use of gas injections are more serious pathologies, so the procedure can also be used for therapeutic purposes. Pneumopuncture perfectly copes with the removal of pain during migraine and in sick organs, with this is improving blood circulation. Also gas injections are made into the joints for the treatment of various diseases.

Contraindications to the procedure

Pneumopuncture (gas injections) have contraindications, among which are:

Also, the injection can not be done with gangrene and chronic heart diseases in the decompensation stage. Gas injections are contraindicated in pregnant women even in the first trimester.