How to treat pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an occasion to completely change the lifestyle.

How to treat chronic pancreatitis?

As any chronic illness from time to time reminds itself of acute periods, it is better to prevent such situations than to permanently treat the exacerbations of pancreatitis, which gradually destroy the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis may eventually go even into the oncological form of the disease.

Correcting nutrition, taking enzymes and completely giving up alcohol are the most important moments at the stage of getting rid of the chronic form of pancreatitis. With chronic pancreatitis it is forbidden to eat sharp and fatty foods. All food should be cooked for a couple or baked in the oven. Do not take large amounts of food for one meal. Food should be divided: 6-7 meals per day. An important element of the treatment is the intake of mineral waters. Therapeutic courses for drinking mineral water are approximately 5-6 weeks. But in no case should you take mineral water at the time of exacerbation of the disease.

How to treat acute pancreatitis?

What drugs will help with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, how to treat the disease, to get rid of it forever? The course of acute pancreatitis is similar to an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. In the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, a characteristic sign is pain under the left rib, which can "give" to the heart if the body and tail of the gland are affected, or the pain just above the navel, if the head is affected. Therefore, as a first aid, the patient needs strong analgesics and antispasmodics: baralgin, no-shpa, papaverine.

The use of the same analgesics is recommended in the case of reactive pancreatitis. In severe cases, when pain can not be removed by any drugs, an operation is performed to cut off the nerves that transmit the pain signal.

What drugs to treat pancreatitis after the removal of the pain? Further, enzymatic therapy is performed, which allows to remove some load from the affected gland. Enzymes - trasipol, countercracker, gordoks - it is recommended to take under the strict supervision of a doctor, since they can cause allergic reactions.

One more important condition must be observed before treating jet pancreatitis or an attack of acute pancreatitis, it is necessary to completely eliminate the intake of food for 2 or 3 days. Complete fasting is gradual, using tiny portions of food.

Knowing which medications to treat pancreatitis, in the absence of severe pain symptoms, it is not necessary to stay in the hospital for the entire treatment period. It is enough only to provide regular monitoring of the doctor, blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the pancreas and gallbladder. In this case, be sure to listen and remember all the recommendations of the gastroenterologist, before treating pancreatitis at home.

How to treat pancreatitis with folk remedies?

Treatment of chronic and acute pancreatitis with folk methods can sometimes significantly alleviate the condition of the patient, as well as prolong the periods of remission and even relieve the illness permanently. In this case, do not forget about medical control. Here are some recipes for the treatment of pancreatitis:

  1. Juice of cabbage: you need to squeeze sauerkraut, 50g of juice obtained after each meal. Enzymes contained in sauerkraut juice help the sick pancreas to cope with their work more easily, and they do not have such an allergenic effect as synthetic enzyme preparations.
  2. Vegetable juice: 2 raw carrots and 3 pcs. Wet the raw potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze. The resulting juice should be drunk half an hour before meals. The course of admission is 1 week. Then a week later the course should be repeated two more times with the same break.
  3. Herbal tea: take 1 tbsp. calendula flowers, chamomile, plantain, peppermint, corn stigmas mixed until collection. Pour boiling water (1ch.l. collection for 800 ml of water) and insist on a water bath for 20 minutes. Drink before eating a quarter cup, spreading the tincture with warm water.

Attack of pancreatitis - how to treat?

In order not to become perplexed, having felt an attack of pancreatitis, we will give some recommendations concerning the first actions before the arrival of the doctor:

  1. Try to be in a bent position - so the pain is less noticeable.
  2. Take a tablet of baralgina.
  3. Do not eat or drink anything.
  4. Try to breathe with your stomach.