Walpurgis Night - rituals

Walpurgis Night is a pagan holiday, which is celebrated from April 30 to May 1. Many believe that this time is a witch, but in fact the Slavs celebrate the end of winter and the onset of the summer period. Walpurgis Night is the ideal time for rituals, rites and conspiracies, and dreams seen during this period are considered prophetic. On this day, you can ask the Higher Relief Forces for help in the financial sphere, in your personal life, and also the girls performed rituals for beauty. Slavs believed that this is a feast of fertility, so they asked the gods for a good harvest.

Rite and conspiracy for beauty in Walpurgis Night

In ancient times, people believed that the herbs collected for this holiday have a magical power. Before sunrise it is customary to collect dew, which is used to make potions. To perform the ritual on beauty, you need to put a dew-container in the evening or collect it yourself from the plants on your own in the morning. When the sun rises it is necessary, wash the collected dew and tell the plot:

"Blessed dew, Help my face not grow old,

Wash wrinkles from my forehead, Smooth my skin,

Erase the wrinkles of the eyes, Give me beauty and purity.

Hear my words, fulfill my desire,

From Beltan to Beltan, prolong my spell. "

This spell has a tremendous amount of force and it lasts exactly a year until the next Walpurgis night.

Ritual and conspiracy for money in Walpurgis Night

To attract the cash flow to yourselves, you need to perform the ceremony exactly at midnight, for which take one candle of gold color, six green and nine white, and also pine and salt oil. The candles should be carefully oiled and placed on a table in a certain order: in the center place a golden candle, around arrange the green ones and surround them with white ones. Exactly at midnight light the golden candle, and then, clockwise first white, and then green candles. After that, three times go around the table and say such a plot:

"Three times Jupiter will go around the sun, money will bring me"

Repeat the words three times. Then sit for a few minutes in silence and think about the money. Extinguish the candles in the reverse ignition order.

Plots to attract love in the Walpurgis Night

There is a rite that will allow you to get rid of loneliness and attract a soul mate into your life. To conduct it, you need to find a growing hawthorn bush, dog rose or curling rose and break off a branch that is near the top. Take it in your hand and stand in the east ten meters from the bush with your back to it. A branch on the ground should draw a circle about 1 m in diameter. Standing in it, looking to the east, and raising a branch above your head that you need to hold in your left hand, you should say such a plot:

"Over the trees in the forests fly birds - females and males in love with them. Let me everywhere, a woman, waiting for in love with men. "

Then stick a branch in the center of the circle and, without looking back, go home.

The love ritual for the Walpurgis Night "May Tree" is very popular. You need to prepare a tree in advance. This can be a birch or willow, or you can easily find a big branch. It should be decorated with ribbons of different colors, on each of which one should make a wish. The color of the tape has a certain value:

In Walpurgis night, you need to go to a decorated tree or go out on a hill with a branch. It is important to conduct the ritual in the company of other people. All participants should join hands and dance around the tree or branch clockwise, while saying a plot of love in Walpurgis Night:

"Love before me,

Love behind me,

Love next to me,

Love is over me,

Love is under me,

Love is within me,

Love comes from me,

Love comes to me.

I love (love). "

The conspiracy must be repeated three times. After that, it is necessary to make a small altar out of the stones and decorate it with flowers.

To build relationships, you can spend in Walpurgis Night a simple ritual. For him, take two strings of red. On one of them tie knots, the number of which should correspond to the age of the chosen one, and on the other - how old are you. Then connect the threads with each other and start tying the knots until the thread runs out. After that, burn it on fire and tell the conspiracy:

"By pure water, over black earth,

On clear fire, in a fast wind

From me to you, from you to me,

From the body to the soul, in the day and in the night. "

Ashes need to be dispelled in the wind.