Malvernets - value

Molvenets is a guardian, helping to protect yourself from bad words, slanders and even curses. Many enemies and offended people generally do not control their words, which, in fact, are carriers of energy, and it can harm a person and even cause the development of diseases. Amulet can be used by all people, but most of all it needs children and women in position. This amulet can be embroidered on clothes, draw, make a tattoo or simply wear as a pendant. The energy of this symbol acts like a mirror, that is, any spoken negative words, as if fighting back from the person and returning to the owner.

The Meaning of the Maltese Mover

Already from the title it is clear that the main task of the symbol is to protect the person from rumor. This amulet has many sharp angles that serve as a certain "lock" for bad words, not giving them the opportunity to reach a person. Often Slavic amulet Molvinets embroidered on baby bedding, believing that it stimulates him to a better perception of the language. It is recommended to people engaged in public activities. The symbol will help to be more convincing, more eloquent and the person will not have problems when writing any texts. There is also information that with its help it is easier to overcome stuttering. People who do not themselves say bad words, a sign will give strength and contribute to the accomplishment of good deeds.

The ancient Slavs considered the god of the family to be the patron of the masculine Molvinets. This is due to the fact that often curses are sent not to one person, but to his entire family. The symbol helps to save the whole family from various troubles associated with words. Still, Molninets keeps the connection between the man and his family. To wear the amulet is best kept with itself on the chest, and it will work as a shield, protecting against various kinds of troubles. You can keep Moltovets in the house to protect all residents from negativity and bad mood. The greatest strength is possessed by talismans, which are made of silver. Of particular importance is the Slavic amulet Molvenets made of gold and framed by a silver circle. In this case, the talisman sends a person harmony and balance.

To get help and activate the talisman, you need to speak it. Take a container with a warm liquid (water or milk), put in front of you, and in your hand, keep the amulet. Calm down, relax and breathe deeply. Mentally imagine a symbol and within a minute do not take it away from your attention . Imagine how slowly it disappears and the energy left from it enters you. Take a container of liquid in your hand and say these words:

"Glory to you, heavenly people, for your great gifts. Let me accept your wisdom, that it should sound in my speeches and in deeds. Guard me from fears and misfortunes, protect from the spirits of unclean and envious people, share with me your secret knowledge.

Yes, I will not meet in the way of my liars, or empty-handed people who do not keep their word. Give me the strength and wisdom of your heralds, The one gender, my father is divine. My speech will begin, like a blade, sharp, the words of the mark will become like arrows that are hot. I will glorify your name, a great race, throughout all the land of the Slavs. My mind is hardened in trials, and from now on I will speak to people without fear, if you will allow me to carry your word. Wherever I was and with whom I talked, you deliver me from unbelief, heal my fear with your knowledge.

I will praise you, Father-father, I will be grateful all my life. Like a fast river, mountainous, my speech flows free. Let it be as I say now, it will come true. Glorious be, Great race, glorious.

Turn my debaters out of my way, whose words, like dust, fly in the wind. In every word of mine there is truth, let my speech become beautiful, and my words are pleasant to the people. I bow low to you, Father-father, that you heard the request of what was said. It will be so now and forever. As rushes through the land of people, so my speech pours fast, as the sun is clear in the sky, so burning in me is the speech given you. Be nice for many years your name is good, great Rod. "

After that, be sure to drink it.